Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thank you Myrthe for your Email! Best regards from Leipzig.
Myrthe write about her life in Armenia and anything else she considers worth blogging about here: The Armenian Odar at
De meest uitgebreide Armenie-portal van Nederland:

Announcement and Call out
Caucasus Documentary Festival "Footprints”

Tbilisi, Georgia, December 6-7-8, 2006

Just a few more weeks and it is happening...
We are all soexcited we can hardly wait! The first independent Documentary FilmFestival of the South Caucasus, called “Footprints” will take place fromDecember 6-8th 2006!
Situated in Rustaveli Cinema, Tbilisi will see three days of documentaryfilms from young and old documentary makers from all three countries!
Doc’s about nature, about modern heroes, about cultural identity. Fromtree to choir, from ethnic cooking to national dancing…. All caught onfilm and all ready for you to see!
Come and watch for yourself all good things about our region (SouthCaucasus) but also those things that need to change. One of our mainaims is to feature those who are working towards sustainable change ofsociety and to improve peoples lives. Modern day heroes giving off apositive signal to our audience! YOUR society needs YOU and YOU are theone that can make a difference!
What do your footprints reveal about you and which road do you choosefor the future?Are you interested to contribute to our festival as a (young) documentary maker, journalist or simply as an interested volunteer, contact us! Sent an email to
Keep informed through our website:
Below you can find the information for documentary makers about ourfestival and more about our special YOUTH competition with VERY goodprices to win!
Information in Russian can be downloaded from

See you in December!!!!!?????
The organizing team!

PS: We are sponsored and supported by: Jan Vrijman Fund/IDFA-TheNetherlands, British Council Georgia, Independent Filmmakers Association
South Caucasus, CENN; Caucasus Environmental NGO Network, the EuropeanUnion, Falkor I.C.Y and many more!!!!!!!!!!!!
Big thanks to all forenabling us to do this!

Call out for Documentaries
1 cinema, 3 theme’s, 3 countries, 40 documentaries, 2.500 visitors and…. YOU!!!!???

We are looking for entries for the first documentary festival in theSouth Caucasus!
Do you have a recent documentary on: (Caucasus) rivers, culture, humanrights, minorities, disabled people coping with their opportunities, illegal cutting of forests, children singing folk, pollution, crossborder cooperation, psychiatric patients painting, old people playing traditional instruments or anything else fitting in out three themes:

* man versus nature
* heroes or our time
* cultural identity versus globalization

Then we invite you to submit your documentary for our festival!
What do we want?
We want to show positive images of people making the best of their lives!
We want to promote young people involving themselves in the art ofmedia-making!
We want to inspire young and old to take action on matters close totheir environment and their hearts!
We want to provide people with more information on what is happening in their countries and with their neighbours!
We want to wake up our societies!
Selection criteria: The documentary should:

* fit within the categories of our festival
* deal with topics relevant to one or more countries of Southern Caucasus
* between 15-120 minutes
* spoken or subtitled in either Russian or English
* help the audience to grow a better understanding of the topic of the documentary
* be on DVD format

What do we have to offer: No money unfortunately, BUT we will:

When selected:

* generate an audience and create a space for you to meet with theaudience and explain your documentary
* Put your Curriculum Vitae on “cv-section” of our website
* Write about your documentary in our festival magazine and on our website
* Provide you with the opportunity to attend a workshop on “how to enter documentary festivals abroad”
* Provide opportunities for you to meet other documentary makers and directors
* Promote your documentary as part of our festival on general mainstream media

There will be some, however limited, resources for accommodation and travel reimbursement for young documentary makers from Armenia and Azerbijan as well as for subtitling movies into English.

For more information on the festival and entry of your documentary,
please contact;

Call out for the Youth CompetitionFootprints Documentary Competition 2006 Call Out!

A hero of MY time!

At the beginning of December Tbilisi will be the stage of the SouthCaucasus Documentary Festival.

We aim at hosting documentaries on three themes:

* Man vs. Nature
* Heroes of OUR time
* Cultural Identity vs. Globalisation

As one of our main purposes of this festival is to support and inspireyoung documentary makers we would like you to enter our competition.
What are we looking for:

* a short (max.10 minutes) documentary showing YOUR local hero or heroine.
* Show his/her activity; how are they involved in improving your societyand what motivates them? It can be a politician or a priest but perhapseven your neighbour. We believe there is a hero hiding in everyone, sotime to show!
* Age, cultural background, religion or what their topic is, is notimportant, just show us why he/she is a hero of OUR time

Who is eligible for the competition:

* you are between 16-27 years old
* citizen of Armenia, Azerbijan or Georgia
* your documentary is subtitled in English or Russian or spoken in eithertwo languages.
* Professional education is NOT of importance, your enthusiasm andcreativity is!


* the best 25 entries will be shown during our festival and the makerswill receive a certificate of entry and selection
* the best 10 makers will be invited to share their work and views duringa press conference and will be invited to participate in our “MediaACT!” seminar
* the best 3 will receive a financial reward of 250, 150 and 100 euro’sto be spent on materials and/or further educationAND!!!!

During the festival we are hoping to give you information on how tointerest “foreign” festivals in screening your work!!!!
If you have aCV we can put it online on our website on the “CV” section.

Previous to the festival we will host a seminar on documentary making, the role of young media makers in society and on how to populariseenvironmental topics though mainstream media. Keep your ears and eyesopen and don’t miss the call out for the seminar later this month:

Please sent us your entry on cd/dvd before Friday November 17th 2006.

Entries received after this date are unfortunately excluded from competition.
Adress: 27 Bethlemi street, 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're welcome! :-)