Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Film Tipp

Levan Tutberidze Georgia 2005 115 min - walkout after 1hr

Laborious, confusingly-structured dramatisation of border-tensions between Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Prior knowledge of the southern Caucasus's messy recent history is pretty much a must if you're going to get the most out of this clunky tale.

A drug run goes wrong, stranding our two heroes (Levan Dobordshinidse a good-looking Heath Ledger lookalike, Mischa Meschi a comic-relief 'character' with a passing Vincent Gallo resemblance) not far from the Nagorno-Karabakh warzone.

Narrative jumps back and forth, as 'Ledger' reminisces about his relationship with a doe-eyed, deep-voiced, gamine young hooker (Nutsa Kutshianidse, from The Good Thief). At about the hour stage Ledger is captured by one faction, liberated by another, then dons camo gear and sunglasses as he starts to fancy the idea of playing commando: "I am the unknown soldier," he proclaims.

Ongoing superfluous muzak on the soundtrack, uninspired firefights and appearance of a second love-interest in the form of a 'Russian' photographer stretched my patience. Panpipey burbling on the soundtrack proved the final straw. 'A Trip to the exit' followed soon after.


Anonymous said...

This movie is shot after famous contemporary Georgian writer's (Aka Morchiladze) novel. I didn't like film also and i have not read book, but he has very interesting other novels.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Where can I see the film ?

Ralph Hälbig said...

At first:

To the last post by Heiner on his Blog than it was unpossible to published any comment (I don't know):

Hi Hans, Levan & Eistein,

It's a bargain! We will see us - together. It could be that I will been in Georgia in the spring 2007. Another thing is that we must come to Georgia for our artist project ... Next time you will see and read over this on my blog ...

Best regards, Ralph

Second: Levan I remove your last two comments than this was the same like the first ...

And I don't see the film but I thhought it sounds good for me ...
Dear Levan, thank you for the name from the author Aka Morchiladze. I will see ...

Anonymous said...

their was some problem with Blogger...

Hans you can try to download it from here:ftp://movie.ge/movies-1/G/Gaseirneba%20Yarabaxshi%20-%20GEO
or I have cd's and can lend you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ralph, Hans , Levan!
We must definitely try to meet in Tbilisi this year. Do anyone of you know about some serious car- rental possibilities that is affordable? I need some transportation during my stay. Maybe it is cheaper to buy a car? Any ideas?