Saturday, June 25, 2005

Georgia (Caucasus): Meet The Neighbours

Was passiert, wenn die EU-Erweiterung beendet wird? (Kaukasus/Georgien)

Jun 23rd 2005
From The Economist print edition

The European Union has been expanding by leaps and bounds. Robert Cottrell (interviewed here) asks what happens if it stops

Get article background
“WE MUST not let daylight in upon the magic,” said Walter Bagehot, a former editor of this newspaper, contending that the authority of the British crown resided more in the mystique of the institution than in what we might now call hard power. Awe-struck politicians and public opinion in Bagehot's 19th-century Britain behaved as though the monarch was above criticism, the incarnation of wisdom and virtue. But for that to go on working, Bagehot said, the precise mechanics and limitations of the office, and of its incumbents, should remain obscure

Here: article on a blog

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