Tuesday, November 29, 2005

(in English, French, German, Italian)
see other references (mainly articles and reports about current events) from :
* A new site dedicated to providing for the growing international interest in the Caucasus - a crossroads of politics, peoples, cultures and religions - both contemporary and historical : caucasusworld.com, related to
* Curzon Press
* A bibliography from Kafkas Vakfi (Caucasus foundation), Istanbul based NGO
* A most comprehensive (over 1Mo !) North Caucasian bibliography, by Amjad Jaimoukha * DARC (Danish Association for Research on the Caucasus)
* Caucasus & Caspian Region - Internet Resources at Slavic-Eurasian Studies web.
University of California at Berkeley
* Neue Kaukasischen Post of Heidelberg University
* Edris Abzakh's page (a few books about Circassia)
* Caucasian Regional Studies, published by "The International Association For Caucasian Regional Studies"
* Observatoire de l'Asie Centrale et du Caucase, part of the "Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes", Istambul.
* The Red Book of the peoples of the Russian empire.
* a map of the "Ethnolinguistic groups of the Caucasus region" (249 Ko), from the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection of the University of Texas, Austin.

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