Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Film Tbilisi-Tbilisi awarded for music

The film Tbilisi-Tbilisi by director Levan Zakareishvili (Contact: Levan Zakareishvili - e-mail : lzakara@yahoo.com) won the prize for the best music at the International Film Festival in Montpelier, France. The music was composed by the Georgian composer Niaz Diasamidze, the National Cinema Center of Georgia reports. Tbilisi-Tbilisi has already won international prizes including a special prize at the II International Festival Eurasia in Almati, best direction at the XIV Film Festival of CIS and Baltic States in Anapa. Two special prizes were also won by the film in Anapa. (Black Sea Press)

Ein junger mittelloser Regisseur kommt in die Hauptstadt. Es ist für ihn aussichtslos zu versuchen, einen Film zu drehen. Die Stadt selbst hat sich in einen einzigen großen Marktplatz verwandelt. Da hat dann ein Universitätsprofessor eine Bude, in der er, um zu überleben, irgendwelche Dinge verkauft. Auf der anderen Seite ist ein Kaufmann ins Parlament eingezogen. Die Stadt quillt über mit Flüchtlingen und Bettlern. Der junge Regisseur arbeitet an seinem Drehbuch, das vermutlich nie verfilmt werden wird ...

A young, penniless director comes to town. Making a film is absolutely out of the question. The city of Tbilisi has turned into an enormous marketplace. A professor has a stall from which he sells things in order to survive. On the other hand, the parliament is full of businessmen. The city is filled with refugees and beggars ... The director is working on a script that will probably never be shot.

TBILISI-TBILISI (Filmfest München)
Tbilisi Tbilisi By Kora Tsereteli
Tbilisi-Tbilisi. Longs métrages compétition / Features competition

Levan Zaqareishvili (Director, Tbilisi-Tbilisi (2005))
Levan Margishvili (Special Effects, 27 Missing Kisses (2000))
Levani Outchaneichvili (Actor, 25th Hour (2002)) aka "Levan Uchaneishvili" birth name "Levan Karlovich Uchaneishvili"
Levan Makharashvili (Miscellaneous Crew, 27 Missing Kisses (2000))
Levan Paatashvili (Cinematographer, Sibiriada (1979)) birth name "Levan Georgiyevich Paatashvili"
Levan Natroshvili (Actor, Ashugi Qaribi (1988))
Levan Lazishvili (Production Designer, Mat (1989)) birth name "Levan Davydovich Lazishvili"
Levan Tedaishvili (Actor, Khareba da Gogia (1987))
Levan Badurashvili (Actor, Tsigni pitsisa (1984) (TV))
Spartak Bagashvili (Actor, Vedreba (1967)) birth name "Spartak Levanovich Bagashvili"
Levan Namgalashvili (Cinematographer, Djariskatsis mama (1964))
Sesil Takaishvili (Actress, Qalaqi Anara (1976)) birth name "Sesil Dmitriyevna Takaishvili"
Aleqsandre Takaishvili (Actor, Boshuri siskhli (1928))
Levan Cholokashvili (Actor, Mze shemodgomisa (1973))

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