Monday, November 07, 2005

Rebellion Creeping Through Caucasus

Russia has tried to tame this southern region for decades, but its policies seem to only stoke anger fueling a militant Islamic movement.

By Kim Murphy, Times Staff Writer
GHIMRI, Russia — A dripping and cavernous tunnel, three miles through the belly of the mountain and lighted only by a spindly strand of dim bulbs, marks the entrance to the land of deep gorges and outlaw villages of the Caucasus range.Emerging in the bright daylight on the other side is like entering another world, a Russia that is not Russia. Road signs every few feet are bright green with Arabic script: "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet." Several dozen signs bear the words of a legendary Caucasian warrior: "He who thinks about consequences is not a hero."

The Full Text: Rebellion Creeping Through Caucasus (LATimes)

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