Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Photos about Georgia by Denis LE GOURRIEREC

* Near Akhalstikhe : Sapara Monastery
* Batumi : the harbour
* Near Kutaisi : Gelati Monastery
* Tbilisi : gathering of a medieval society
* Mtskheta
* Gori (birthplace of Stalin)Statue of Stalin on ... guess .... Stalin Square (obviously !)
* Ananuri monastery and Zhinvali reservoir
* The Georgian Military Highway near Jvari pass (2676m, end of May)
* Kazbegi village seen from Tsminda Sameba church
* Tsminda Sameba church
* Mount Kazbek (5047 m)
* Tsminda Sameba church seen from Kazbegi under some dark clouds

(you guessed : Kazbegi is one of the most beautiful places I passed on this trip)

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