Monday, February 13, 2006

Labyrinth of Abkhazia
Tbilisi, 1999

"Labyrinth of Abkhazia" has been drafted at the Parliament of Georgia based on the recommendations of the parliamentary ad hoc Commission on the Problems of Abkhazia. This is a chronological and impartial description of the events that took place in Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia during the last decades, especially throughout 1992-1993 and later; the tragedy of two related and close nations - Abkhazs and Georgians and other nationalities - that continues to the present time.

Group of authors:
Vakhtang Kholbaia, Raphiel Gelantia, David Latsuzbaia, Teimuraz Chakhrakia
Translated and adapted by
Nana Japaridze-Chkoidze

§ 1.
Historical outline…………………………………………
§ 2.
Ethnic and demographic aspects of Abkhazia……………
II. Genesis of separatism
§ 1.
The events of 40s-80s…………………………………….
§ 2.
National liberation movement and separatism……………
§ 3.
Abkhazia and Changes in the Georgian Government…….
III. Pre-War Abkhazia
§ 1.
December – January of 1991-1992………………………..
§ 2.
The Attempt to consolidate Democratic forces……………
IV. Military conflict
§ 1.
§ 2.
Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide of Georgians…………….
§ 3.
Ethnic cleansing in Gali region…………………………….
§ 4.
The demographic consequences of the ethnic cleansing….
§ 5.
§ 6.
Russia and Conflict in Abkhazia
V. The Georgian Orthodox Church and Abkhazia………
The Issue of Abkhazia at the Parliament of Georgia
Supreme Council and Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia …………………
VIII. Occupied Abkhazia
§ 1.
Political and social-economic situation
IX. The hope to return
§ 1.
Public-political movement of the Displaced People
§ 2. Abkhazia and International Community
§ 3. The samples of a Good will…………………………..

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