Friday, February 17, 2006


ABSTRACT________The present article reviews the fundamental achievements of ancient Georgian astronomy and the dynamics of the process by which the Georgian astronomical world view developed in the period from the 16th century BC to the 18thcentury AD. It is during this period that the Georgian astronomical worldview both formed and became fully developed. The author of the present article divides this extended period into three shorter periods: an archeological period, a transitional period, and a scientific period.
The characteristicsof these three periods are cited. The article also presents various facts and other information that illuminate the life and work of Georgian astronomers as well as the functioning of ancient Georgian astronomical and other scientific institutions. Several Georgian astronomical manuscripts are mentioned and described in brief, and a number of other questions are also discussed.

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NOTE: The following draft paper was written by Irakli Simonia from Tbilisi in the Republic of Georgia. The original paper was in Russian and was translated into English by Robert McCutcheon ( ).
Dr. Simonia is currently revising the paper based on referee comments from the JAH2 and is posting the paper to HASTRO in hopes of receiving additional comments and suggestions for improvements. He is also interested simply in "making contact" with historians of astronomy outside of Georgia. He can be reached by e-mail at
(Note that Dr. Simonia's English is sufficient for normal correspondence.)

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