Friday, March 24, 2006

Georgia’s war on the criminal world: Is the state’s arm long enough? (CauCaz.Com)
Article published in 18/03/2006 Issue
By Lili DI PUPPO in London
Translated by Lili DI PUPPO [Proofread by Victoria BRYAN]

In December 2005, new legislation on organised crime and racketeering was adopted by the Georgian Parliament and signed by Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. The legislation was passed on the initiative of Saakashvili, who had announced at several occasions that he would adopt a zero tolerance policy against crime since he was elected President in 2004. However, how far can the state’s arm reach and what urgent reforms must the new government tackle if it wants to give any credit to its promise of “rooting out” criminal groups? Moreover, although there is unanimity on the government’s declared objective of fighting crime, the methods it employs are often criticised, particularly when individual freedoms appear to be at risk.
Full text: Georgia’s war on the criminal world: Is the state’s arm long enough?

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