Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Portrait Of A Suicide
By Natia Bilikhodze
Brosse Street Journal
Thursday, December 1 2005

Manana Sharashidze of the Psychiatrists Association explains the low statistics. "Suicides very often are registered as accidents," she said. "Very often due to the stigma, families hide the suicide facts. For example, if a man kills himself with gun, family members say that the gun was shot by accident. When a suicidal person jumps for a high place and dies from brain trauma, in the official document is written that he died from brains swelling. So the state statistic department gets wrong information from the police and from the medical institutions." It is believed that the main reason for any increase in suicide is the hard social-economic environment in the country, which adds to any psychological disorders in a person’s life. [full text ...]

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