Tuesday, June 06, 2006

!!! I found a text about the khevsoor sword fighter !!!
Sword and Buckler Fighting among the Lost Crusaders
When the 20th century kicked off in Europe, there remained pockets of backward populations virtually untouched by industrialization and the advances in communication. Some of these isolated sub-cultures still retained traces of fighting systems that even the great cultural levelers of the century, Communism and Fascism/Nazism, required decades to eradicate.
A the fringes of civilized Europe, in the ranges of the Caucasus mountains, the American traveler Richard Halliburton (1900-1939) heard a curious tale in 1935, when he visited the city of Tblisi in the then Soviet republic of Georgia.
the whole text: http://www.swordhistory.com/excerpts/crusaders.html

Halliburton, Richard. Seven League Boots, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1935; p. 214 f.
The photo of Halliburton shows him posing in mail shirt with buckler, and a 19th-century Mameluke-style saber. Other fighters carry regionally made weapons of the qama and Kindjal patterns. This hodge-podge of styles is to be expected from a tribe without more than basic metalworking capabilities.

Note: This is a short excerpt from The Secret History of the Sword. To order from amazon.com, click here.

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