Tuesday, July 11, 2006

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Library from the North Caucasus Research & Heritage Institute

Much has been written on and about Circassians the past two hundred years by Westerners, Easterners, Russians, and Adyghe peoples themselves, be it in the North Caucasus or the diaspora. We are in the process of accumulating as much written material as possible to include in our library. There are also audio and video materials that are being documented and archived at the present time. Since the material we have is written in various languages, we will be listing the English, German, and French languages first, then continue with Adyghe (Cyrillic and Latin), Arabic, Turkish, and Russian. As the library grows, this page will be the main portal to the varied material we possess which will be broken down by type (audio, video, and books) and language.Several books listed below can be purchased from the online booksellers alibris.com. Most are used, and in some cases, very rare and expensive. Just click their logo in the navigation column below and see for yourself.

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ABU JABER (Raouf S.): Pioneers over Jordan; The Frontier of Settlement in TransJordan 1850-1914. I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, London, 1988.
A YALON (David): Gun Powder & Firearms in The Mamluk Kingdom;A Challenge to a Mediaeval Society. Frank Cass and Company Limited, London, England 1956.
ALLEN (W.E.D.) and MURATOFF (P.): Caucasian battlefields (History of the wars on the Turco-Caucasian Border 1828-1921.. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1953.

BADDELEY (John Frederick): The Russian conquest of the Caucasus. Longmans, Greens & Co., London, 1908, Russell & Russell, New York, 1969. - The rugged flanks of Caucasus. 2 vols, Oxford, 1941. (repr. Arno Press, New York, 1973).
BAMMATE (Haïdar): Le Caucase et la révolution russe, aspect politique. Union nationale des émigrés de la République du Caucase du Nord, Paris, 1929. - Le Problem du Caucase
BELL (James Stanislaus), Journal of a residence in Circassia during the years 1837-1839. 2 vols, London, 1840. Transl. by Louis Vivien : Journal d'une résidence en Circassie pendant les années 1837-1839. 2 vols., A. Bertrand, Paris, 1841.
BENET (Sula): How to live to be 100 : the life-style of the people of the Caucasus. Dial Press, New York, 1976.
BERKOK (Ismail): Tarihte Kafkasia I, II, & III (The Caucasus in history). Istanbul: Istanbul Matbaasi, 1958.
BODENSTEDT (Friedrich Martin Von): Die Volker Des Kaukasus, Verlag Von Hermann Johann Rebler, Frankfurt/Main, 1848.
BURNEY (Charles) & LANG (David Marshall): The peoples of the hills : ancient Ararat and Caucasus.Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1971. (Praeger, New York, 1972).

CAMERON (G. Poulett): Georgia, Circassia, and Russia I & II, London, Henry Colburn Publisher, 1845.
CHANTRE (Ernest): Recherches anthroplogiques dans le Caucase du sud. Paris, 1855-1856.
CURTIS (William Eleroy): Around the Black Sea : Asia Minor, Armenia, Caucasus, Circassia, Daghestan, the Crimea, Roumania. Hodder & Stoughton, New York, 1911.

DITMAR (Theodore Jacob): Kaukasischen Völker

DITSON (Georges Leighton): Circassia or a Tour to the Caucasus. New York, 1850.
DORN (Bernhard): Kaukasischen Lander und Volker, Académie Impériale Des Sciences De Saint Pétersbourg, 1840.
DUMAS père (Alexandre): Le Caucase. Paris, 1853. Transl. from French : Adventures in Caucasia. Transl. and Ed. by A.E. Murch, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 1962.
DUMÉZIL (Georges): Mythe et épopée I. Gallimard, Paris, 1974. - Fables De Tsey Ibrahim, - Countes et Legendes des Oubykhs

ERCKHERT (Roderich von): Der Kaukas und Seine Volker, Leipzig, 1887.
ESSAD BEY (Noussimbaum): Der Kaukasus, the Caucasus, its mountains, peoples and history, Berlin, 1931. - Twelve Secrets of the Caucasus

FARSON (Negley): Caucasian journey. Evans Brothers Ltd, 1952. Travel Book Club, London, 1952. Rep. : The lost world of the Caucasus. Doubleday & Co., Garden City, 1958. Penguin travel library, London, 1988.
FRESHFIELD (Douglas W.H.): Travels in the central Caucasus and Bashan. London, 1869. - The exploration of the Caucasus. 2 vols, London and New York, 1896.

GAMBA (Chevalier de): Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et dans les provinces au-delà du Caucase, fait depuis 1820 jusqu'en 1824. 2 vols, Paris, C. J. Trouvé, Imprimeur-Libraire, 1825-1826.
GERRAZ (Claude) Nationalites Asiatiques - La Circassie

GRAHAM (Stephen): A vagabond in the Caucasus. John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1911.
GRECHKO (Andreï Antonovich): Battle for the Caucasus. Transl. from Russian by David Fidlon. Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1971.
GRIGORIANTZ (Alexandre):Étrange Caucase - récits et coutumes. Fayard, 1978.
GROVE (Florence Crauford): The Frosty Caucasus: First Edition, 1875.
GURNEY (O.R.): The Hittites. Penguin Books Limited, England, USA, Australia, 1952.

HAXTHAUSEN (Baron August von): Transkaukasisa. Andeutung über das Familien- und Gemeindeleben und die sozialen Verhältnisse einiger Völker zwischen dem schwarzen und kaspischen Meere, (ohne Ort) 1856.
HERBERT (Agnes): Casuals in the Caucasus, the diary of a sporting holiday. John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1912.
HOMMAIRE DE HELL (Xavier): Les steppes de la mer Caspienne. Le Caucase, la Crimée et la Russie méridionale, historique et scientifique. Paris, 1843-1845. Transl. from French : Travels in the steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus. Chapman & Hall, London, 1847.

KLAPROTH (M.): Tableau du Caucase

KOESTLER (Arthur): The Thirteenth Tribe, the Rise and Fall of the Khazar Empire. New York, 1976.KOLENATI (F.A.): Die Bereisung Circassiens

KOURNAKOFF (Sergei): Savage Squadrons, George G. Harrap & Co. LTD.

LANGE (Olaf): Der Kaukasus, Rejseminder Ogskildringer, Copenhagen, F. Hegel & Son, 1891.
LE Livre des Héros, Légendes sur les Nartes. Transl. from Ossetian by Georges Dumézil. Gallimard, coll. UNESCO, Paris, 1965. Rep. Gallimard, 1989.
LEVIER (Émile): À travers le Caucase, notes et impressions d'un botaniste. Attinger Frères éditeurs, Neuchâtel, 1897.
LONGWORTH (J.A.): A year among the Circassians, 2 vols, London, 1840.

MACLEAN (Fitzroy): To Caucasus, the end of all the earth : an illustrated companion to the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. Jonathan Cape, London, 1930. Rep.1976.
MILTON MACKIE (J.): Life of Shamyl. Boston, 1856.
MERZBACHER (Gottfried): Aus Den Hochregionen Des Kaukasus(vols. I & II), Leipzig, Verlag Von Duncker & Humblot, 1901.MUIR (Sir William): The Mamluke or Slave Dynasty of Egypt 1260-1517 A.D. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1896.

NAJJAR (Alexandre): Les exilés du Caucase. Grasset, Paris, 1995
NAMITOK (Aytek): Origines des circassiens. Geuthner, Paris, 1939.
NOGHMU (Schora Bechmirza): Geschichte des Asygejischen Volkes. Die Sagen und Lieder des Tscherkessenvolkes, 1866.

OLLIER (Edmund): History of the Russo-Turkish War I & II, Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Company, London, Paris & New York, 1878.
OZBEK (Batiray): Die tscherkessischen Nartensagen. (Ethnographie der Tscherkessen, Bd. 3). Heidelberg, 1982.PALEN (Lewis Stanton): White Devil of The Black Sea, New York, Minton, Balch & Company, 1924.

PEREIRA (Michael): Across the Caucasus. Geoffrey Bles, London, 1973.
PHILLIPS-WOLLEY (Clive): Sport in the Crimea and Caucasus. R. Bentley, London, 1881.
PLAETSCHKE (Bruno): Die Tschetschenen, Hausformen, 1982.

QUANDOUR (M. I.): Kazbek of Kabarda, Kandinal Publishing, 1995. Jersey, Channel Islands, U.K.

RASSIM (Rushdi): Tragedy of a Nation; The Story of The Cherkess. Jerusalem, 1939.

SPENCER (Edmund): Travels in Circassia, Krim, Tartary... in 1836. 2 vols, Henry Colburn, London, 1838-39. - Russia, The Black Sea, and Circassia, - Travels in Western Caucasia
SMIRNOVA (S.): New Features of the Adige. Introduction to Soviet Ethnographics Vol. 1, 1962.

TAITBOUT DE MARIGNY: Three voyages in the Black-Sea to the Coast of Circassia. J. Murray, London, 1837. Turkish transl. by Aydïn Osman Erkan, Nart Yayïncïlïk, Istanbul, 1996.
TELFER (Comm. J. Buchan): The Crimea and Transcaucasia : being the narrative of a journey in the Kouban, in Gouria, Georgia, Armenia, Ossety, Imeritia, Swannety, and Mingrelia, and in the Tauric Range. Henry S. King, London, 1876.
TOLEDANO (Ehud R.): Ottoman Slave Trade 1840-1890. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1980.
TUTAEFF (David): The Soviet Caucasus. George G. Harrap, London, 1942.

WIRTH (Dr Albrecht): Kaukasische Zusammenhange
WRANGEL (General Baron Peter N.): Always with Honor. Robert Speller & Sons, New York 36, New York 1957.


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