Tuesday, July 11, 2006

News & Analysis to Chechnya & the death of Chechen field commander Shamil Basayev

TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2006
Rebels' cause may die, too
By C. J. Chivers (The New York Times)
The death of a Chechen terrorist leader raised questions about the direction of the separatists' war.

MONDAY, JULY 10, 2006
The face of Chechnya's insurgency
By C.J. Chivers (The New York Times)
In a long and notorious career, Shamil Basayev, the elusive terrorist leader of the most vicious faction of Chechnya' separatists, had been an airplane hijacker, a hostage-taker, a guerrilla commander and a war-scarred spokesman for terror who tried to justify killings of civilians, even school children, for political ends ...

Chechnya: Decentralized Resistance Presents New Dangers
PRAGUE, July 10, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- RFE/RL's Russian Service spoke on July 10 with military analyst Aleksandr Golts in Moscow about the death of radical Chechen field commander Shamil Basayev. ...

Britain To Increase Afghan Force
July 10, 2006 -- Britain plans to send almost 900 more troops and additional helicopters to support its soldiers in southern Afghanistan. ...

Chechnya: Basayev's Death Poses Fateful Choice For Moscow
PRAGUE, July 10, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- The death late on July 9 of Chechen field commander Shamil Basayev creates a window of opportunity for those few Russian officials who advocate peace talks as the only logical way to end the ongoing fighting across the North Caucasus. ...
Other Links (Kommersant)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006. Issue 3450. Page 1.
Basayev Killed in Ingushetia Explosion (Nabi Abdullaev)
Warlord Leaves a Trail of Blood (Carl Schreck and Nabi Abdullaev)
both article from The MoscowTimes
Moscow patriarchate justifies killing of terrorist Basayev AsiaNews.it, Italy - like Basayev represent a distortion of Islamic doctrine and the charge against Russia that it is conducting a war of religion in the Caucasus is unfounded.”.
Kreml will Bassajew "liquidiert" haben Netzeitung - «Sieg der Geheimdienste»: Russlands Regierung feiert den Tod des tschetschenischen Rebellenführers Bassajew als Erfolg.
Schamil Bassajew - Moskaus Schrecken, Volksheld der Tscheschenen EuroNews - vor Schamil Bassajew hat in den letzten Jahren die Verantwortung für zahlreiche Anschläge übernommen, darunter auch die Geiselnahme in der Schule von Beslan ...

Link: MosNews to Bassajew

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