Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Balkans, Caucasus, Europe
Open Society Institute Budapest

The programmes of the Open Society Institute, known as network programmes, work through the national Soros foundations (an informal network of organisations established and supported by investor George Soros). Relevant is the Network Media Program (NMP) which acts as a consultant, resource, liaison and partner for Soros-sponsored media programmes and other organisations working in the media field in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The NMP concentrates on projects addressing issues of democratic media legislation, monitoring violations of media freedom, protecting journalists, establishing self-regulation systems and strong independent professional organisations, and raising the professionalism of journalists and media managers. The main areas of NMP activity include direct assistance to the media via the Open Society Media Fund (OSMF), support for Roma media, journalism training, and the Media Law Program in cooperation with the Constitutional & Legal Policy Institute (COLPI).

Pf. 519,
H -1397 Budapest, Hungary
Tel +36 1 327 3100,
Fax +36 1 327 3101

Gordana Jankovic, Director Network Media Program


Number of staff


2000 Annual Report Building Open Societies, Newsletter Open Society News, Ideas for an Open Society

Network Media Program

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