Friday, October 06, 2006

Abkhazia-Georgia, Kosovo-Serbia: parallel worlds?
by Zeyno Baran Thomas de Waal 2 - 8 - 2006

In the Caucasus and the Balkans, two territories whose people broke free through war from a larger state their peoples saw as oppressive are now in constitutional limbo. What future have Kosovo Albanians and Abkhazians earned – independence, autonomy, federation? What justice is owed to their Serb and Georgian neighbours and former neighbours? Thomas de Waal and Zeyno Baran debate these issues.

Thomas de Waal, journalist and Caucasus expert: A fresh look
Zeyno Baran, Hudson Institute: Two different cases
Thomas de Waal: The sovereignty option
Zeyno Baran, Hudson Institute: Stability is the key

Full Discussion:

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