Thursday, October 26, 2006

“Georgia’s NATO Membership is in Russia’s Interest”
Interview with Mamuka Kudava, Georgian Deputy Minister of Defense...

Punishing the Denial of the Armenian Genocide: Brussels Criticises the French Vote
Approved by France’s lower house of parliament, the National Assembly, on October 12, the bill would make it a crime for French citizens to deny that the Armenian genocide occurred. Such a decision is being made in a country home to 500,000 descendan...

Russo-Georgian Convulsions—Editorial by Eric Hoesli
By Eric HOESLI, author of On the Conquest of the Caucasus: Geopolitical Epic and Wars of Influence (to be published by Les Editions de Syrtes) and director of the regional daily newspapers of francophone Switzerland, 24 Heures and La Tribune de Genève.
What is interesting in the ‘spy’ crisis is not so much the probable and likely espionage activity of Russian officers on Georgian territory, but the spectacular production organized by Georgian authorities to sensitize domestic public opinion (filmed...

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