Sunday, October 22, 2006

Interesting view of the phenomen between earning money, corruption, logistic and efficiency ... good work Florian!

Marshrutki: Public Transportation and the Fight against Corruption in Georgia

Article published in 16/10/2006 Issue
By Florian MUHLFRIED and Ana DIAKONIDZE in Tbilisi (Contact

Marshrutki (minibuses) are an important means of public transportation in Tbilisi. Presumably organized “from below”, the marshrutki system links almost all areas of the city and provides a living for the many drivers. As such, it seems to be a good example of the publicly propagated spirit of entrepreneurship in post-Soviet Georgia. Yet, instead of promoting this apparently efficient system, the current Tbilisi authorities banned the marshrutki from the main streets in the summer of 2005. The ban caused a great deal of irritation and insecurity, both for the drivers and for the potential passengers of the minibuses. more >>>

Photo: Hans Heiner Buhr

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