Saturday, October 28, 2006

More about the charming photographer
Justyna Mielnikiewicz ...

She was born in Poland in 1973 and has been working as a professional photographer for 7 years. She graduated from Jagiellonian University in Krakow with a Masters in New Media and Culture Management. Immediately after finishing university she started to work as photojournalist in the daily newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza.
In 2001 she became a freelance photographer and moved to Tbilisi/Georgia to work on a time project on the South Caucasus. The project was awarded an honorable mention at the 2003 Dorothea Lange R. Taylor Prize and at the 2003 Santa Fe Project Competition, and received a grant from the European Culture Foundation.
Since then, in addition to work on personal projects, Justyna regularly photographs news events – mainly in the Caucasus area. Her recent work has appeared in: Newsweek Poland, Paris Match, New York Times, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, among others. The project was screened in Arles 2005. In 2005, her work was distributed by Cosmos Agency and currently by World Picture News.

Mobile: +995 77 73 2003
Skype justynamiel
AOL justmiel

Zura from Kutaisi was living in Moscow for last 6 years-he was deported after random document check on Moscow street .All deported Georgians spent last 7 days in special prison for deportees in Moscow. Among others small children and old people stayed there with only personal belongings they carried while they were arrested.
A Russian Emergency Ministry IL-62 passenger plane carrying 119 Georgian deportees landed at the Tbilisi airport on October 10. Russian Emergency Ministry’s plane took back 150 Russian citizens from Georgia as part of “the partial evacuation” announced by the Russian authorities after a spy row erupted between the two countries on September 27.
This was the second planeload of Georgians deported from Russia for migration offences. Over 130 Georgians arrived in Tbilisi on a Russian Emergency Ministry cargo plane on October 6.An official from the Georgian Embassy in Moscow said that about 70 Georgians remain in various police stations in the Russian capital awaiting deportation.
(Justyna Mielnikiewicz)

Georgia / Russia © Mielnikiewicz Justyna
Line for Check-in for Tbilisi Moscow flight. Russians citizens -mostly of Georgian origins- awaits their flight to Moscow at Tbilisi airport. It is... [more]

- EKA-POST SOVIET STORY © Justyna Mielnikiewicz
Eka’s life is a microcosm of the harsh realities many people face in Georgia, as she has fallen through the threadbare net that the current country’s... [more]

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NYT Abkhazia -Audio Slideshow
NYT Azerbaijan Elections / slideshow
Contact Sheets
ABKAZIA -Shared Sorrows , Divided Lines
Americans Training Georgian Army -GTEP programe
Georgia-Tourism Development as new agenda of Government
Abkhazia 2006
AZERBAIJAN elections 2005
Abkhazia 2006
ARMENIA-J.Chirac visit GEORGIA-RUSSIA protests , deportations

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