Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Weitere Analysen im Internet zu Georgien
von Christian Malordy

Das politische System
Local Government in Georgia: Developing New Rules in the Old Environment
von D. Losaberidze, K. Kandelaki und N. Orvelashvili
Political Development in Georgia since 1989
Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Arbeitsmärkte, soziale Lage, Staatshaushalt und Fiskalpolitik, Inflation und Geldpolitik, Außenwirtschaft, Wirtschaftspolitische Maßnahmen, Privatisierung, Strukturwandel (OIM), Gesamtwirtschaftliche Indikatoren
von Osteuropa Institut München, 2002
Fight a loosing battle
von Zaal Anjaparidze, in: Prism 7(5), Mai 2001
Regional Introduction: Struggling to Find Peace – State and Nation Building
von Jonathan Cohen, 2002
Georgia: Peace Remains Elusive in Ethik Patchwork
von Anna Matveeva, 2002
Georgia and Abkhazia: The Hard Road to Agreement
von Yuri Anchabadze
The Georgian Abkhazian Conflict in a Regional Context
von Gia Tarkhan-Mouravi
Tension increasing in Abkhazia - Georgia restates commitment to non-military solution
von Center for Strategic and International Studies, April 2002
The Conflict in Abkhazia: National Projects and Political Circumstances
von Ghia Nodia
Labyrinth of Abkhazia
von Vakhtang Kholbaia
Georgian perspectives
von Ghia Nodia
An Abkhaz perspectice
von Liana Kvarchelia, in: Accord, issue 7
Vision from Abkhazia
von Liana Kvarchelia, November 1996
Shades of Grey. Intentions, Motives and Moral Responsibility in the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict
von Bruno Coppieters, August 1998
Economic dimension: Incentive or Obstacle
von Jonathan Cohen, in: Accord issue 7
The Inguri power complex
von Paula Garb
Displacement and return
von Greg Hansen
The Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict: In Search of Ways out
von Viacheslav A. Chirikba
Abkhazia - Problems and the Paths to their Resolution
von Konstantin Ozgan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia, 1998
Geographical Background to a Settlement of the Conflict in Abkhazia
von Revaz Gachechilaz
Der Kaukasus zwischen Krise und Entwicklung: Das Beispiel des georgisch-abchasischen Konflikts (Rolle der Diplomatie, Erfolge/Mißerfolge des Konfliktmanagement durch Rußland, UN, OSZE)
von Angelika Spelten
Theory and Experiences of Ethnonational Conflict Regulation: Their Relevance to the Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict
von Maarten Theo Jans, August 1998
Public Diplomacy – More real and effective way to solve the conflict in Abkhazia
von Lorik Marshania
Georgia: Fighting Terrorism in Another Failed State
von Colin Robinson, Center for Defence Information, Washington
Terrorism And The Caucasus: Russia Into Georgia?
von Zeyno Baran, CSIS, September 2001
United States will help Georgia fight terrorism and strengthen internally
von Zeyno Baran, CSIS, März 2002

Georgia under worst pressure since independence
von Zeyno Baran, CSIS, Januar 2001
Despite ongoing Russian Pressure, Time for real Change in Georgia
von Zeyno Baran, CSIS, November 2002
Georgian-Russian Tension on the Rise
von Zeyno Baran, CSIS, August 2002
Russia´s role
von Dmitrii Danilov, in: Accord issue 7, März 2003
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
The Caucasus and Caspian Region: Understanding United States Policy
Congressional Testimony von Zeyno Baran, CSIS
The Role of the UN
von S. Neil McFarlane
TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia)
Georgia and the "New Silk Road"
von Zaal Anjaparidze, in: Prism 4(14), Juli 1998
NATO´s evolving partnerships. Partnership in practice: Georgia´s experience
von Irakli Menagarishvili, Georgischer Außenminister, in: NATO Review 49(3), Autumn 2001

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