Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Bitte leitet diese Seite an all Eure engagierte Partner und Bekannte/Freunde im Südkaukasus.

South Caucasus Documentary Film Festival of Peace and Human Rights I HUMAN is looking for local co-organizers in the South Caucasus

(Festival screenings will take place in the period from March to October 2007) The I - HUMAN Film Festival - will screen recent documentary films from different parts of the world in various cities and regions of the South Caucasus. Believing that the world is one and the language of cinema knows no borders, we think viewers in the Caucasus will be able to see themselves in the fates of people from other parts of the world, in their struggles for peace and justice.
This is the first festival of its kind in the South Caucasus! The I - HUMAN Film Festival - is non-competitive. In our jury there are young filmmakers, film critics and NGO activists from the South Caucasus, Germany and the Czech Republic. They have selected six recent documentaries of international reputation (from Israel, former Yugoslavia, France and the United States). Of these they composed a three-day programme. The I - HUMAN Film Festival - is a festival on
wheels we will come to you with our mobile-cinema, bringing all the technical equipment needed for screening! (If we are unable to reach you by our cinemabus, we will find different means of
transportation.) Are you interested in inviting our festival to your town? Please send us your cooperation pro posal to be co-organizers (you can get the form on our website, enclosed with this announcement, or by request via email). We ll be glad to receive your ideas and suggestions of where, how and when to organize a festival screening. People who are active in society, politics, civil society, etc., or organizations (such as communities, local administration bodies, NGOs, schools, universities, and initiative groups) can invite the festival as local organizers if they want and are able to host the festiva l. Of the submitted proposals we ll select the 25 that are the most interesting and creative, and which express original ideas and peace actions for the framework program. We ll provide the local co-organizers with mini-grants for implementing the festiv al as well as consulting assistance.

The deadline for proposals is December 10th 2006 !!!


For more detailed information, please contact us (or see our website):
Kerstin Nickig (festival coordinator)
c/o Heinrich Boell Foundation
Radiani street 5, 0079 Tbilisi
Phone +995-32-227705
Fax: +995-32-912897
Please distribute this announcement to everyone who might be interested in taking part.
This project is funded by the Heinrich Boell Foundation (
www.boell.ge) and the South Caucasus foundations of Open Society Institute s (OSI) network (www.osi.am ; www.osi-az.org ; www.osgf.ge)

Tamar Gurchiani 2006 Kulturmanagerin der Robert Bosch Stiftung
"South Caucasian Documentary Film Festival of Peace and Human Rights - "I - Human" 2007
Festivalkoordinatorin Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Regionalbüro Südkaukasus
Radianistr. 5, 0079 Tbilisi/Georgien
Tel. +995-32-227705
m +995 (8)95384468
fax +995-32-912897

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