Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Former president: Georgia won’t go to war with Russia This would destabilize the region, Eduard Shevardnadze tells Kathimerini

... wide-ranging interview. He analyzes the causes of the Russo-Georgian crisis that is threatening to destabilize the Caucasus; warns of a domino effect in the region should Abkhazia and South Ossetia secede; believes that Russian President Vladimir ...

I don’t think the independence of states that have seceded will be recognized by the international community,’ former Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze said in an interview with Kathimerini. By Stavros Tzimas - Kathimerini


Former president: Georgia won’t go to war with Russia
Toughest player in the game
Georgian leader left post after coup to avoid plunging land into conflict
Geopolitical game in the Caucasus over pipelines
Breakup of USSR was inevitable

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