Thursday, November 23, 2006

Wednesday 29 Nov 2006 3.00 pm–5.00 pm

Boom Time or Blues? The Gender Impacts of Big Oil Projects

Big oil projects in the resource-rich region of the Caucasus, which affect many countries in Central and Eastern Europe, are considered by most international financial institutions as public-private investments that are good for the region’s overall economic development. Often, the social and environmental impacts of these projects are not fully considered.
In their joint publication, Boom-Time Blues: Big Oil’s Gender Impacts in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Sakhalin, the Washington-based Gender Action and CEE Bankwatch Network, a network of Central and Eastern European environmental non-governmental organizations, are considering the gendered impacts of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Sakhalin II oil and gas pipelines. Their analysis provides a critical look at whether the corporate sponsors of these projects and their financiers—the taxpayer funded European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Finance Corporation (IFC)—have given sufficient consideration to the protection of the rights of women and men in local communities.
Have the projects indeed brought prosperity to the region as their proponents hoped? Or have they caused heavy human costs, especially on women, and been detrimental to human development? The study authors and invited experts will discuss the study’s findings and these questions.

3 pm Welcome and Introduction
Elaine Zuckerman, Gender Action

3: 15 – 5 pm
Moderator: Liane Schalatek, Heinrich Böll Foundation North America
Fidanka Bacheva-McGrath, CEE Bankwatch Network/Za Zemiata, Bulgaria
Suzanna Dennis, Gender Action
Manish Bapna, Bank Information Center
• Representative IFC (invited)

Thank you for your interest and consideration.
We would be delighted, if you could join us for this discussion.

Gender Action, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Bank Information Center

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Massachusetts Ave. NW Choate Room, First Floor Washington D.C. , Washington, United States


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