Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Georgia News Digest 12-26-06
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by Ph.D. Jonathan Kulick, Director of Studies

1. Azerbaijan to supply gas to Georgia in 2007
2. No Turkey-Georgia gas deal yet: Turkish official
3. Azerbaijan to supply 1 mln cubic meters of gas every day to Georgia this winter
4. Georgia Yields to Gas Prices of Gazprom
5. Georgia, Azerbaijan Reportedly Agree on Gas, But Questions Remain
6. Georgian Press on Gas Talks
7. Russia’s Staff Out Of Tbilisi
8. Georgian Plans Of The Russian Military Authorities
9. Pullout of RF troops from Tbilisi - example of cooperation – pres
10. Georgian capital without a Russian soldier first time since 1799
11. Russian troops quit Georgian HQ
12. Georgia’s Dangerous Game
13. UN Observer Mission in Georgia and CIS PKF conduct four-day joint patrol throughout Kodori valley
14. Two policemen killed, 1 wounded in explosion in Georgian breakaway region
15. Abkhaz foreign ministry announced Georgian terror groups resumed activity in Gali District
16. Blast Kills Abkhaz Warlord in Gali
17. Abkhazia says Gali District explosion “act of terrorism” by Georgia
18. Georgian official blames turf wars for Abkhazia blast
19. Georgian TV reports more details of Abkhazia blast
20. Opening of Vladikavkaz mission in Tskhinvali is an attempt to bring peacekeeping process into deadlock
21. Georgia protests at opening of Russian mission in breakaway region
22. Provocations Continue in South Ossetia
23. Armenian political analyst: Tbilisi’s policy predetermines disintegration of Georgia into several small states
24. Policy pursued by Georgia contradicts logic of political process in South Caucasus
25. The USA does not want to see Armenia isolated
26. “Anahit” Shoes Enterprise Launched In Akhalkalaki
27. The USA does not want to see Armenia isolated
28. article: “Marines train allies for the war on terror”
29. article: “In the Republic of Georgia: Cooperative engagement in the war on terror”
30. Georgian Students To Join Reserve Force, Be Offered Jobs In Armed Forces
31. UN adopts resolution condemning attacks on journalists during armed conflicts
32. The Holy Synod finds it appropriate to start Patriarchy TV channelThe Yezidi Kurds from Tbilisi

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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