Sunday, December 31, 2006

Georgia News Digest 12-31-06
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by Ph.D. Jonathan Kulick, Director of Studies

1. paper: “The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’: U.S. Political Intervention in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe” [excerpt]
2. paper: “Feeling the Heat” [Georgia-Russia]
3. paper: “Nationalism and the Transition to Democracy: The Post-Soviet Experience” [abstract]
4. paper: “The USDA, Civil Society and Effective Food Aid (EFA) in the Republic Of Georgia” [abstract & link]

Journal of Third World Studies, Fall 2006, 23(2):31–57archived at filename Update on Democratic Transformation (2006).pdf The discussion is guided by four analytical arguments that frame EFA: (i) that civil society, in the shape of INGOs and local NGOs, is more efficient than the Third World state (TWS) in implementing EFA programs; (ii) that community-based development (CBD) is the best framework within which to implement EFA; (iii) that micro-credit operations provide the best strategy to transform local communities and eliminate aid dependency; and (iv) that beneficiary reaction to aid can provide insights to strengthen further EFA efforts. Political initiatives often take the form of grassroots programs, which are designed to encourage the state to devolve power to local communities, especially in the area of resource control. Community-based political autonomy is considered to be a first step toward economic empowerment, which is to be obtained through skills-enhancing activities designed to assist communities, especially women, to establish small-scale enterprises and cooperatives in arts and crafts.
5. paper: “Provincialism in Politics” [abstract & link]
International Affairs, 52(4):129–135archived at filename USDA and GE Food Aid (2006).pdf The ministry was caught in time trouble, the key foreign policy issues did not receive enough attention that ended in a series of one-sided concessions in the Bering Strait; the disaster of the hasty disbandment of the WTO and CMEA; politically and financially inadequate conditions of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from other countries; smug passivity when it came to fortifying the Soviet position on the NATO expansion issue, as well as never-ending indulging in “repenting the foreign policy sins of the past.” Compassion for the Georgians prompted not only by their inadequate living standards, poverty and lingering social problems but also by the readiness of their leaders to subject the nation to new hardships of another military conflict fraught with an unpredictable outcome.
6. paper: “Ambassador of Three Countries” [abstract & link]
International Affairs, 52(1):170–188archived at filename Ambassador of Three Countries (2006).pdf The breakup of the Soviet Union and its disappearance from the world’s political map, as well as the political backdrop to the disintegration of the USSR and the end of the confrontation between the two ideological systems, are crucial in analyzing the sources of the deplorable condition of Georgian-Russian relations today. Only an in-depth analysis of the mistakes that Georgians have made and their rectification will enable Georgia to find a key to a happy future.
7. paper: “Some Results of the PRC’s Foreign Policy Activity in 2005” [excerpt]
8. report: “Dukhobors in Georgia: A Study of the Issue of Land Ownership and Inter-Ethnic Relations in Ninotsminda”
9. Georgia to Buy Azeri Gas for USD 120
10. Technical conditions of gas meters in Tbilisi will not be inspected- Mayor
11. Gas Supply Balance Clarified
12. Azerbaijan To Supply An Eighth Of Georgia’s Winter Gas Needs – PM
13. Georgian premier, minister may be sacked over gas confusion – pundits
14. Saakashvili Hails Energy Ministry for ‘Historic’ Gas Deal
15. Abkhaz foreign ministry calls for lessening regional tensions
16. Georgian Official Says Tensions Waning in Gali
17. Police chief: Acts of violence and terrorism in Gali District (Abkhazia) were planned from abroad
18. Shamba: Partial mobilization of Abkhaz Armed Forces connected with “possible coercive action by Georgia”
19. Control to be lost of situation in Gali district – Khaindrava
20. Conflict won’t be solved by way of a military
21. Georgian MIA Denies Links to Attacks on Abkhaz Policemen
22. Abkhazians accuse Georgians of the murder of Turnanba
23. Abkhazia releases most Georgian detainees, puts forces on alert – reports
24. Georgian agency says Gali killings result of dispute between Abkhaz police
25. Georgian minister says situation in Abkhazia’s Gali District “defused”
26. Abkhaz leader orders additional security around power station
27. Abkhaz Forces Withdraw From Georgian Villages After UN Intervention
28. Georgian woman dies in Abkhazia conflict zone, separatists say situation tense
29. Georgian pundit says Abkhazia building up troops near Kodori Gorge
30. Tbilisi denies alleged plans to use force in Gali district
31. Abkhaz foreign ministry calls for lessening regional tensions
32. All Abkhasian forces alerted
33. S. Ossetia Receives Aid from Moscow
34. Kokoity wants to construct nuclear power station
35. South Ossetian leader meets Moscow officials, thanks for aid
36. South Ossetia’s “alternative government” alleges Russian assassination plot
37. Separatist South Ossetian ministers appointed
38. South Ossetian governments quarrel over New Year celebration
39. South Ossetian leader refuses to meet Georgian minister, warns EU envoy
40. S. Ossetia Restitution Law Passed with Final Reading
41. In 2007, Russia Will Have To Jump [excerpt]
42. US stays out of Iran, Sarkozy wins in France and investors endure bumpy ride: [Will Russia attack Georgia?] [excerpt]
43. G-8 and CIS were Kremlin’s priorities in 2006 [excerpt]
44. Georgian parliament approves 2007 budget
45. Revised Draft Budget Proposed
46. Non-Partisan MP Joins Opposition Faction
47. Prime minister: “We do not plan any operation, but defense minister should be all set”
48. Government doesn’t hear tax reduction bill
49. President traveled abroad for business 25 times in 2006
50. The department of tourism and resorts has a new chair
51. Lustration postponed for uncertain term: head of parliamentary legal says too late to adopt the law
52. Constitution won’t bear more changes
53. 10 000 offered jobs from president’s employment program
54. Saakashvili Says Promises have been Kept
55. Economy Minister Quits Ruling Party Post
56. Georgian economy faces challenges in 2007
57. United Georgian Bank changes its name to VTB Georgia
58. It Was a Gas, Gas, Gas: The most significant economic events of the year
59. Banking News: Reliable Bank in a New Package: UGB to start the New Year with a new name – VTB Bank Georgia
60. Kutter Comes to Georgia
61. Year’s Shortest Day to Honor Electricity: Tariffs will not increase – Telasi says
62. Growth versus reform in Caucasus
63. 22 Families of Servicemen Got Apartments in Gori
64. 2006 Top Ten: Georgian Political Life
65. Where is Zviad Gamsakhurdia’s Final Resting Place? The Chechen government plays a Russian game
66. TV 33 Starts Broadcasting
67. Marking Winter Celebrations Abroad: A surgeon shares his experiences
68. Saakashvili to arrive in Ukraine for holiday

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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