Tuesday, December 12, 2006

ART: The German Artist & Painter Theodor Horschelt

This original Oil study has been found recently in a private collection in Vienna. It was painted by the German artist Theodor Horschelt (1829 Munich - 1871 ibidem). The artist - later called in Russia Fedor Fedorovich Gorschelt or Gorscheld - studied at the Munich Academy. His teacher was the famous horse painter Albrecht Adam, whose influence lead the young artist towards horse painting. In 1858 an old dream came true and Horschelt travelled over Odessa, Sevastopol and Kerch to Tiflis, to witness personally the fights of the mountain peoples from the Caucasus rebelling against the Russian. He was accepted as a volunteer to the staff of General Baryatinski and took part of all campaigns of the Russian troops between 1858 and 1863. He participated directly of the battles and was awarded for bravery with the Russian military order.

More drawings and paintings: Theodor Horschelt

Source: http://www.adygaunion.com/gallery/index.php (Circassian Art Gallery - Галерея Адыгского Искусства)

more in german:

* Goethe-Institut Deutsche in Georgien - Maler - Theodor Horschelt
Theodor Horschelt war, auch wenn er heute in seinem Heimatland nahezu unbekannt ist, der bedeutendste deutsche Maler in Theodor Horschelt Georgien. ...

* Kaukasische Post Nr. 47 - Kultur - Theodor Horschelt
Theodor Horschelt war, wenn auch in Deutschland heutzutage nahezu unbekannt, ... Theodor Horschelt wurde am 16. März 1829 in München, als Sohn des bekannten ...

* http://georgien.blogspot.com/2006/03/theodor-horschelt-war-wenn-auch-in.html


  1. This is a painting you posted for me...! ;-)

  2. Yes, I thought on you. Do you received my emails (yesterday)?
