Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Georgia News Digest 01-10-07
A service of the
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
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1. book review: “More Georgia Less Russia: Statehood and Security: Georgia after the Rose Revolution”
2. book review: Statehood and Security: Georgia after the Rose Revolution
3. paper: “EU Neglect and Competing Mediation in Georgia’s Conflicts” [summary]
4. The European Neighborhood Policy for Georgia: So Far so Good
5. Russian Migration Chief On Illegal Immigration, Deportations [excerpts]
6. Putin’s New Year’s Messages to Foreign Heads Suggest Russia’s Foreign Policy Priorities [excerpt]
7. Analyst slates Russia’s “bull-in-a-china-shop” foreign policies [excerpt]
8. report: “Beyond the pale: Myths and realities about the BTC development model [introduction]”
9. Gazprom Makes The Georgian Government Pay
10. Armenia intends to participate in construction of Transcaspian gas pipeline
11. Georgian truck drivers unblock Russian border
12. Traffic resumes on Trans-Caucasian road
13. N. Ossetian prosecutors file criminal case
14. South Ossetian interior ministry: Counterfeit dollars are brought to Russia from Turkey via Georgia
15. Russia to increase contribution to UN peacekeeping work – envoy
16. Sokhumi Calls for Talks, Denies Refusing Routine Meeting
17. Abkhazia says ready to continue settlement meetings
18. Georgia, Abkhazia : Historical dispute rages over an ancient land
19. UNOMIG Condemns Ganmukhuri Attack
20. Russian UN envoy claims Abkhazians will testify before UNSC
21. Enguri hydroelectric power plant as political lever
22. Leo Platvoet: Preliminary variant of report on missing persons in South Caucasus is ready
23. Azerbaijan: Biggest Expulsion In Eight Years [excerpts]
24. Matthew Bryza: 2006 Was A Great Year In Us-Azerbaijani Relations [excerpts]
25. Ana Dolidze accuses “Rustavi 2” of disseminating false information
26. Prices of Azerbaijani newspaper increased by 50 per cent while most Georgian newspapers cost the same as before
27. Accident occurs at one of Tbilisi central power substations
28. Opposition Considers Alliance
29. Most part of Tbilisi left without electricity
30. Tax department raids car part stores
31. report: Problems of Forestry Sector of Georgia: Illegal Activities and Legislative Collisions [preface]
32. report: Environmental Governance in Georgia And How Can the EU Contribute to Its Strengthening [summary]
33. Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources will take action
34. Judicial Reform in Georgia
35. Economic basis of politicization of media in Georgia
36. HIV/AIDS virus being traced to Kutaisi blood bank
37. Villagers protest becoming Tbilisians
38. Mtatzminda amusement park to open by spring
39. If the cliché fits…
40. 187 political parties registered in Georgia
41. Fears of property grab by government
42. Juveniles tortured
43. Prisons suffers serious water problem

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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