Monday, January 01, 2007

2006 Georgia Research, Analysis, and Data-Collection Highlights
prepared by Jonathan Kulick, Director of Studies,
I’ve compiled some of last year’s most interesting and important Georgia research, analysis, and data collection. It’s by no means complete, and omissions do not reflect any negative judgment—there’s simply too much to sort through. I’ve included only Georgia-focused work; the News Digest has cited regional and other thematic studies with a significant Georgia angle. And I’ve excluded conference presentations without papers and popular periodicals.The attached review has a list of citations, which are linked to summaries and URLs (for publicly available documents), in the categories Conflict RegionsGovernance and Politics, Economics, Development, and Corruption, Human Rights, Sociology and Anthropology, HealthHere’s looking forward to another bumper crop in 2007. And please send new work my way—it often takes me a few months to find out what’s new. Jonathan Kulick

titles are linked to abstracts

Conflict Regions

Abkhazia Today
International Crisis Group, Europe Report N°176, September 15/*
The Abkhazian-Georgian Conflict and the Issue of Internally Displaced Persons
George Tarkhan-Mouravi and Nana Sumbadze, Innovation, 19(3/4):283–301
Abkhazia and South Ossetia: Collision of Georgian and Russian Interests
Tracey German Institut Français des Relations Internationales, Research Programme Russia/NIS, June
Negotiating in a Coordination Network of Citizen Peacebuilding Initiatives in the Georgian-Abkhaz Peace Process
Paula Garb and Susan Allen NanInternational Negotiation, 11(1):7–35
IDPs’ Living Conditions Remain Miserable, as National Strategy Is Being Developed: A Profile of the Internal Displacement Situation
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, September
Public Security in Georgia and the region bordering Abkhazia
Blaise Bonvin Transnational Crime and Corruption Centre, September 25
Renewed Armed Conflict in Georgia? Options for Peace Policy in a New Phase of Conflict Resolution
Achim Wennmann Graduate Institute of International Studies, PSIO Occasional Paper Number 3, May
What Right Did Russia Have? Russian Intervention in Georgia and Moldova in the early 1990s
Virginia Paige MullerThesis, Master of Arts in the Department of Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Governance and Politics

Democracy in Georgia Since the Rose Revolution
Lincoln A. MitchellOrbis, 50(4):669–676
Conceptual Model of Territorial-Administrative Setting of Georgia and Separation of Administrative, Financial and Property Rights among Different Levels of Authority
NGO Coalition For Local Democracy And Self-Governance
Division of authority in Georgia
Mariam Gabedava, Transparency International Georgia, October
The Dialectics of Small States: Foreign Policy Making in Armenia and Georgia
PhD Dissertation, Asbed Kotchikian, Boston U
Democracy or Autocracy on The March? The Colored Revolutions as Normal Dynamics of Patronal Presidentialism
Henry E. HaleCommunist and Postcommunist Studies, 39(3), 305–29
The Role of Georgia’s Media—and Western Aid—in the Rose Revolution
David Anable, The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 11(3):7–43
Country Report Based on Research and Dialogue with Political Parties
Marina Muskhelishvili and Gia Jorjoliani International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance/Center for Social Studies Georgia
The Political Landscape of Georgia—Political Parties: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects
Ghia Nodia and Álvaro Pinto Scholtbach, Coordinators–EditorsEburon Delft
The Georgian Regime Crisis of 2003–2004: A Case Study in Post-Soviet Media. Representation of politics, Crime and Corruption
Rebecca S. Katzibidem-Verlag

Economics, Development, and Corruption

Analyzing Balance-Sheet Vulnerabilities in a Dollarized Economy: The Case of Georgia
Andreas Billmeier and Johan MathisenIMF Working Paper, WP/06/173, July
Debt-for-Environment Swap in Georgia
OECD Environment Directorate
An Assessment of Fiscal Decentralization in Georgia
Jameson Boex, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, and Michael Schaeffer, Problems of Economic Transition, 49(1):1–94.
Fiscal Equalization in Georgia
Tengiz Shergelashvili and Davit Narmaniain “Fiscal Equalization in Caucasus,” Natela Mshvidobadze (ed.) 37–61Open Society Institute
Measuring the Shadow Economy: The Impact of the Georgian Anti-Corruption Drive
Andreas Billmeier and Konstantin FedorovIMF Country Report, No. 06/170, 30–40
East European Democratization: The Political Economy of Georgia’s Rose Revolution
Vladimer PapavaOrbis, 50(4):657–667
Diversifying And Promoting Exports In Georgia
Volkhart Vincentz, Dimitri KemoklidzeGeorgian Economic Trends, GEPLAC, October, 46–56
Country Report Based on Research and Dialogue with Political Parties
World Bank
Corruption and Financial Mismanagement in Municipal Solid Waste Management System of Tbilisi
Nina Dadalauri, Nino Antadze, and Baadur AbuladzeTransnational Crime and Corruption Center
Corruption in Illegal Construction in Urban Territories (Tbilisi Case Study)
Natia Jokhadze, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center
Conflict Sensitive Development: Reality or Wishful Thinking?
Marina Pevzner
Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy Thesis, Fletcher School, Tufts U.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Civil Society and Effective Food Aid (EFA) in the Republic Of Georgia
B.I. Logan Journal of Third World Studies, Fall 2006, 23(2):31–57
Natural Gas Strategy for Georgia: Part 1. Analysis and Proposals
Paul BallonoffCORE International, Inc. (for USAID)
“Energy Balance” of the Power Sector of Georgia: Part 1. Analysis And Proposals
Paul Ballonoff, CORE International, Inc. (for USAID)
Extractive Industries and Energy Transit in Georgia: Background Report
Open Society–Georgia Foundation
Human Rights

Next Stop–Belarus?
Human Rights Information and Documentation Center
Human Trafficking: A Georgian Reality
Tamar Mikadze, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center
Undue Punishment: Abuses Against Prisoners in Georgia
Human Rights Watch, 18(8D), September
Implementing the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Georgia: A Feasibility Study
Jonathan Wheatley, ECMI Working Paper #28, October
Human Rights Violations in Georgia: Alternative Report to the United Nations Committee Against Torture
Nino Gvedashvili and Ucha Nanuashvili (HRIDC), Ana Dolidze and Sophie Japaridze (GYLA), Lia Saralidze, Ketevan Margalitadze and Mariam Maskhulia (PHMDF), Mariana Duarte, Cécile Trochu and Patrick Mutzenberg (OMCT)

Sociology and Anthropology

2006 Data Initiative Survey for Georgia and the South Caucasus
Hans GutbrodCaucasus Research Resource Centers, December
Social Science in the Caucasus
Caucasus Research Resource Centers
Georgia Public Opinion Barometer 2006
Nana Sumbadze Institute for Policy Studies
Georgia’s Armenian and Azeri Minorities
International Crisis Group, Europe Report N°178, 22 November
The Status of Minority Languages in Georgia and the Relevance of Models from Other European States
Jonathan WheatleyECMI Working Paper #26, March
Dukhobors in Georgia: A Study of the Issue of Land Ownership and Inter-Ethnic Relations in Ninotsminda Rayon (Samtskhe-Javakheti)
Hedvig LohmECMI Working Paper #35, November
Defending the Border: Identity, Religion, and Modernity in the Republic of Georgia
Mathijs Pelkmans, Cornell University Press


Prevalence of Hepatitis C, HIV, and Risk Behaviors for Blood-Borne Infections: A Population-Based Survey of the Adult Population of T’bilisi [sic]
Ketevan Stvilia, Tengiz Tsertsvadze, Lali Sharvadze, Malvina Aladashvili, Carlos del Rio, Mark H. Kuniholm, and Kenrad E. NelsonJournal of Urban Health, 83(2):289–298
Beyond Suspicion: Evidence, (un)Certainty, and Tuberculosis in Georgian Prisons
Erin KochAmerican Ethnologist, 33(1):50–62
Georgia: Low Prevalence Epidemic
United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS
Investing in the Healthy Future: Action Plan of Drug Policy in Georgia for the Period 2007–2009. Development in Areas of Treatment and Risk Minimization
Josef Radimecky, David Otiashvili, and Vano TsertsvadzeUnion Alternative Georgia

…and dishonorable mention to…

Mikhail Saakashvili: A Psychological Study of the Character
Thanks to Economist correspondent Edward Lucas for digging up the dirt. Details are available at (June 27 and 29).
full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Rapho! I downloaded all of it. Especially interesting was the Georgia Barometer 2006.
    Thanks a lot!
