Thursday, February 22, 2007

Analysis by Eurasianet
Peace through development in South Ossetia
An economic development campaign in Georgian-controlled areas of the breakaway region of South Ossetia is being touted as the latest vehicle for promoting a political settlement in conflict zone.

Kadyrov promotion fury in Chechnya
Human rights activists appalled by Moscow's elevation of the notorious prime minister to lead the republic. Related: chechnya, russia

Azerbaijan looks westward
The geopolitical landscape in the South Caucasus appears to be shifting in a fundamentally westward direction, a change triggered by the Russian announcement in December that Gazprom, Russia's massive state-owned energy consortium, would dramatically raise the price of natural gas exports to Azerbaijan. The shift, which is being described by analysts in Baku as a reorientation of Azerbaijan's foreign policy "towards the West" and a "unique opportunity," was spelled out in a strongly worded Wall Street Journal opinion-editorial on 19 January written by Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov.

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