Monday, February 26, 2007

Info-Tour to Azerbaijan

Dear Sir/Madame,
I would like to inform you that our Embassy in cooperation with Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) of Azerbaijan is organizing an info tour to Azerbaijan in the period of 15-22 April 2007.
The aim of the initiative is to have articles on tourism potential of my country published in relevant German newspapers and magazines as well as to create new contacts between tourism companies of both countries. So, the group of people to travel to Azerbaijan is expected to consist of both mass media and tourism companies' representatives.
The programme of the tour will include excursions to some regions of Azerbaijan, meeting with high-ranking officials of MCT, networking with local tourism companies and participation in the 6th Azerbaijani International Travel and Tourism Fair (detailed programme will be sent later).
MCT is ready to cover local costs (board, lodging, local travel, guide services and etc.) of info tour participants in Azerbaijan.

I would appreciate your earliest response.

Anar Huseynov
Economic Affairs Officer
Embassy of Azerbaijan in Germany
Axel-Springer-Strasse 54a
10117 Berlin
Tel.: 49 30 219 16 13
Fax.: 49 30 219 16 152

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