Thursday, March 29, 2007

29 Mar 07 Caucasus Reporting Service 385

Armenian Premier’s Death Leaves Hard-to-Fill Gap
The governing elite faces the challenge of finding a replacement prime minister following the death of a man seen as a bridge-builder. By Ara Tadevosian in Yerevan (CRS No. 385 29-Mar-07)
Azerbaijan: Splits at the Top
Arrest of a once-loyal politician suggests feuding among the ruling elite. By Boyukaga Agayev in Baku (CRS No. 385 29-Mar-07)
Monastery Divides Georgia and Azerbaijan
Suggestions that cave monastery could be shared provoke opposition in Georgia. By Idrak Abbasov in Keshish Dagh and David Akhvlediani in Tbilisi (CRS No. 385 29-Mar-07)

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