Thursday, March 08, 2007

Welcome to our Caucasus Regional Office

KfW Entwicklungsbank (KfW development bank), is one of the leading financiers of development in the Caucasus Region. The aim of our work on behalf of the German Government is to assist in improving economic and social conditions in the three countries of the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia). Accordingly, we finance investments in economic and social infrastructure and promote the private sector - in particular small and medium enterprises.
The Regional Office and its staff serve as the focal point for our partners in government, private sector and civil society. The diversity of the staff of KfW Entwicklungsbank reflects the unique characteristics of the Caucasus region. Headed by a German expatriate in the Regional Office based in Tbilisi, experienced local professionals in Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan are the backbone of our work in the region.
We hope that this homepage can provide you with a valuable introduction to the work of KfW Entwicklungsbank in the three partner countries and to our efforts to promote regional cooperation.

KfW: Programm zur Foerderung erneuerbarer Energien.pdf
to Energy Georgia Developments Geopolitics KfW ... on jan 14

KfW: Georgien: Soforthilfeprogramm Energie I, II und III
to Georgia Energy KfW Developments Geopolitics ... on jan 14

kfW - Welcome to our Caucasus Regional Office
to Developments Business Economics Caucasus Germany Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan ... 2 hours ago

The Caucasus team: Andranik Khachanyan, Natig Abdullayev, Leyla Huseynova, Dr. Karapet Gevorgyan, Reinhold Strauß, Rachel Schmitt, Svetlana Asatryan, George Chkuaseli, Christian Calov, Levan Tsitskishvili, Nino Shanidze.

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