Sunday, April 15, 2007

Armenain Forum, a new, independent, quarterly journal brings thinking people essays worth reading

FROM ECONOMICS TO PUBLIC HEALTH, from law to education, specialists increasingly are choosing Armenians and Armenia as a focus of study. Armenian Forum gives them a place to report their findings. It allows them to share their research with each other and with the educated nonspecialist. The journal serves as a resource for scholars, journalists, policy makers and the public at large.
A bold, contemporary look, thought-provoking articles, and reviews of books, recordings, and films are among the journal’s compelling features. Armenian Forum addresses the interests of a new generation that is eager for fresh, thoughtful perspectives as it fashions its own identity.
Armenian Forum promises to be an essential building block for the Armenian communities of the twenty-first century.

"Why a new journal?"
The Editors
The Editorial Board
Friends of Armenian Forum


  1. Hi there,

    I'm not sure that Armenian Forum is still publishing and as I speak as someone who has had two photo stories published, three front cover pics, and one book published through Armenian Forum and the Gomidas Institute. Still, could be wrong, but that's my understanding.

  2. Dear Onnik,

    thanks for your comment at my blog ( How you view I collecting more articles than I write and research such one. I will more offer something about the region of south caucasus. Therefore I'm very glad to give a comment because you are the blogger-expert of armenia for me. I hope you are not angry with me that I'm publishing something not in the right jounalitic directives. I think many readers understand me. Sometimes I'm feeling like a "dirty blogger" ;-) when I see your work on your blog. With high respect on your work! Best regards from Germany! Ralph.
