Sunday, April 01, 2007

Mountain Wilderness appeals to the authorities for the protection of Shahdag range

keywords : Azerbaijan

In 2003, a project was undertaken to protect the main part of the Azeri Caucasus, by creating the Shahdag national Park. It was to be largely financed by the World Bank.

But in 2005, information appeared in the french press according to which a mechanized ski resort was planned in Laza, in the middle of the would-be Park. Mountain Wilderness immediately reacted to this information on its website. At the beginning of July 2006, it was decided to appeal to the Azeri authorities, in order to stop this disastrous idea. A letter has been send in this respect to President Issam Aliev by Patrick Gabarrou, international coordinator and Hugues Thiébault, general secretary. Similar mails have also been written to the Prime Minister and the Minister in charge of Environment.We are awaiting the answers with great interest.

H. Thiébault


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