Saturday, April 14, 2007

News about Caucasus

CHECHENS YEARN TO RETURN TO MOUNTAINS 14 Apr 2007 10:01, A1 Plus... restricted border zone along the frontier with Georgia should extend only five kilometres into the ... newspaper. Institute for War and Peace Reportings Caucasus Reporting Service ...
Georgia: Abkhazia Certain To Reject New 'Peace Plan' 14 Apr 2007 04:49, RFE/RL... war. Right Of Return As summarized by Caucasus Press on April 11, the new Georgian ... officials have given rise to fears that Georgia might seek to settle in Abkhazia a ...
The U.S. administration's proposal to Russia to join its missile defense shield remains valid, a State Department spokesman said Thursday. 13 Apr 2007 10:50, RIA Novosti... place missile defense elements in the South Caucasus, but did not specify which of the ... it would choose - Armenia, Azerbaijan or Georgia - with the latter being anxious to ...
Cleaning up the Kura 13 Apr 2007 02:30, IWPR... The major river in the southern Caucasus seems to be everyones dumping ground. By ... eastward from its source in Turkey through Georgia and Azerbaijan to the Caspian Sea. It ...
Russia welcome to join U.S. missile shield - state department 12 Apr 2007 19:10, RIA Novosti... place missile defense elements in the South Caucasus, but did not specify which of the ... it would choose - Armenia, Azerbaijan or Georgia - with the latter being anxious to ...
Latvian Foreign Minister Artis Pabriks to arrive in Armenia April 19 12 Apr 2007 15:00, PanArmenian Network... of joint participation in different projects in Caucasus, Latvian Foreign Minister Artis Pabriks (Peoples Party) ... that the next week he will visit Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. journalist was told in ...
Georgian political scientist: Kosovo variant may be used for Karabakh 12 Apr 2007 12:00, PanArmenian Network... be used for Karabakh /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Conflicts in Georgia have very little opportunities for separatism, member ... and Verkhni Lars - join the South Caucasus with Russia, the Georgian political scientist said. ...
More disagreement between Russia and EU on the Black Sea 12 Apr 2007 08:50, released yesterday presses for co-operation among Russia, Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine, and seeks to get ... its proximity to unstable Middle Eastern and Caucasus regions. While the EU seeks to engage ...
The Bush administration has once again cited Ukraine on a list of 15 countries cooperating with the U.S. on its national missile defense system, the Department of Defense said Thursday. 12 Apr 2007 08:00, RIA Novosti... its missile defense system in the South Caucasus, but did not specify which of the ... it would choose - Armenia, Azerbaijan or Georgia - with the latter being anxious to ...
Ukraine engaged in U.S. missile defense efforts - DoD 12 Apr 2007 08:00, RIA Novosti... its missile defense system in the South Caucasus, but did not specify which of the ... it would choose - Armenia, Azerbaijan or Georgia - with the latter being anxious to ...
EU, Moscow heading for more Black Sea discord 12 Apr 2007 07:32, Business Day... released yesterday presses for co-operation among Russia, Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine, and seeks to get ... its proximity to unstable Middle Eastern and Caucasus regions. While the EU seeks to engage ...
Agro export via Astara up 47% last year 12 Apr 2007 06:34, IranMania News... potato, dates and raisins, he added. The Caucasus region countries, in particular Russia, Azerbaijan Republic ... countries, in particular Russia, Azerbaijan Republic and Georgia were the target markets of the bulk ...
Balkan Lessons for Caucasus // Politics (Apr 12, 2007) 12 Apr 2007 06:11, Kommersant... Why the Caucasus is not the Balkans ? Both are ... safe from provocations, and its relations with Georgia in the state of peace, even ...
EU: European Commission Seeking To 'Add Value' To Black Sea Cooperation 12 Apr 2007 05:05, RFE/RL... EU Neighborhood Policy (ENP) -- Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, as well as nonmember ... EU Neighborhood Policy action plans for the Caucasus countries and Ukraine and Moldova; and its ...
Russia open to Europe-wide anti-missile shield' 12 Apr 2007 04:57, Monday Morning... in the Czech Republic and Poland as well as in one of the South Caucasus nations, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. All the proposed host countries were part of Moscow’s sphere of influence in Soviet ...
Life along the pipeline: BTC's impact on Azerbaijan 12 Apr 2007 04:52, Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections... residents in its three host countries: Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. Some 40 km from the ... the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline and the South Caucasus gas pipeline. Some $ 1.5 bn from ...
Shah-Deniz gas flows to Georgia 12 Apr 2007 04:52, Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections... launched on March 17 through the South Caucasus Pipeline on March 17, the Georgian Oil ... of the drilling wells. In late January Georgia started to receive gas from Shah-Deniz but ...
The Russian-Iranian energy relationship 12 Apr 2007 04:52, Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections... Shah-Deniz gas pipeline from Azerbaijan, traversing Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, is delivering Azeri gas into ... unrest or rebellion in its Volga and Caucasus Muslim regions. However, it does not see ...
EU Aims to Bolster Political, Energy Ties With Black Sea Neighbors 11 Apr 2007 19:46, Canadian Business Magazine... Soviet Union republics such as Ukraine and Georgia, which seek closer ties with the West. ... help settle frozen conflicts in the south Caucasus and help nations there normalize frayed ties ...

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