Monday, May 14, 2007

10 May 07 Caucasus Reporting Service 391

Armenia: Claims of Official Harassment Mar Ballot
Opposition activists see arrest of anti-government campaigner as culmination of campaign to cow them before the election.
By Karine Asatryan in Yerevan (CRS No. 391 10-May-07)
Fear Stalks Armenian District on Eve of Poll
Regional governor accused of intimidating opponents, leaving voters with few choices in assembly ballot.
By Gayane Mkrtchian in Syunik (CRS No. 391 10-May-07)
Beslan School a New Source of Grief
Local residents argue over how to commemorate those who perished in the tragic siege nearly three years ago.
By Elizaveta Valieva in Beslan and Vladikavkaz (CRS No. 391 10-May-07)

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