Saturday, May 19, 2007


news about the caucasus

South Ossetia: Presidents Step Up Struggle 19 May 2007 11:28, A1 Plus... when the region seceded de facto from Georgia after a bloody conflict that cost around ... of the separatist disputes in the South Caucasus until an upsurge of fighting in 2004. ...
World Bank allocates Azerbaijan $17 mln for national park 18 May 2007 13:35, RIA Novosti... the largest national park in the south Caucasus. The creation of the Shakhdag national park ... Azerbaijan, on the border with Russia and Georgia, will help address ecological issues and build ...
Political geography is a changing world 18 May 2007 13:13, RIA Novosti... today. Armenian-Russian relations and the entire South Caucasus will be no exception. Everything will be ... of borders in the region. If both Georgia and Abkhazia become truly independent, the conflict ...
Collaborative regional reporting project launched 18 May 2007 08:20, Baku Sun... The Cross Caucasus Journalism Network, which is building a network ... Gareji monastery that straddles the border of Georgia and Azerbaijan. Idrak was interviewed on Georgian ...
South Ossetia: ␲esidents⠓tep up Struggle 17 May 2007 19:12, IWPR... when the region seceded de facto from Georgia after a bloody conflict that cost around ... of the separatist disputes in the South Caucasus until an upsurge of fighting in 2004. ...
Javier Solana says Moldova has no chances of joining the EU 17 May 2007 16:49, Moldova AZI... of Moldova as well as Ukraine and Georgia have no chances of becoming EU members, ... May 18, includes the frozen conflicts in Caucasus and Transnistria. ...
Georgia: Speaker Reflects On Regional Relations 17 May 2007 04:55, RFE/RL... : So far, the political situation in Georgia is far more stable than in either ... support. RFE/RL: Let's talk about the South Caucasus region. Does it have a political future ...
Georgia: Foreign Minister Hails South Ossetia 'Breakthrough' 17 May 2007 04:55, RFE/RL... the doors are still open. RFE/RL: What Georgia is doing in the Kodori Gorge in ... parts of their missile-defense system in the Caucasus. Is this something you can comment on? ...
Applying the Global Approach to Migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions Neighbouring the European Union 16 May 2007 11:12, RAPID... Policy (ENP) partner countries in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus) and the Southern Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia); and the Russian Federation. The Communication suggests that recommendations relating directly to these countries ...
Ukrainian leader calls guam to work out common position on frosted conflicts 16 May 2007 05:15, Moldova AZI... of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili. Yushenko offered to his colleagues ... member states' joint creation of a Euro-Asiatic trans-Caucasus transport corridor. ...

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