Thursday, June 07, 2007


Ulrich Speck:
International Press about Russia & Putin

Russland. Putin is playing a dangerous game. By Anne Applebaum, Daily Telegraph
Is Putin the bully leading Russia into fascism? By Michael Binyon, Times
Russland kaschiert seine Aufrüstung. Interview mit Ruprecht Polenz. Deutschlandradio
President of Russia: Interview with Newspaper Journalists from G8 Member Countries.
Putin’s rhetoric born of high oil prices, but runs on empty. By Bronwen Maddox, Times
Putin takes aim. Economist
Gazprom May Thwart Putin Drive for Russian Energy Dominance. By Lucian Kim, Bloomberg
Russia’s Apolitical Middle. By Masha Lipman, Washington Post
How Russia became doubly delusional. By Robert Skidelsky, Times
Russia’s Geopolitical Counter-Offensive in the Former Soviet Union. By Vasili Rukhazde, New Eurasia
EU-Russland. Pushback for Mr. Putin. Editorial, Washington Post
Der Gipfel der Ratlosigkeit. Von Frank Herold, Berliner Zeitung
Einer gegen 27. Von Claudia von Salzen, Tagesspiegel
European appeasement will worsen Russian aggression. By Jonathan Eyal, Financial Times
EU-Russland-Gipfel: Gemeinsamer Weg trotz Schwierigkeiten. Pressemitteilung der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidenschaft, EU2007
It’s high time for a blunt talk with Mr Putin. Editorial, Financial Times
How disputes are exposing the limits of German ‘Ostpolitik’. By Bertrand Benoit and Richard Milne, Financial Times
The Failure of Ostpolitik, The Potential of Europolitik. By Robert Amsterdam, Blog
Annäherung durch Interessen. Von Nils Kreimeier, Financial Times Deutschland
Russland intern. Im Kreml herrscht Hochstimmung. Von Klaus-Helge Donath, taz
“Niemand weiß, was die Russen denken”. Interview mit Ludmilla Alexejewa. Von Barbara Oertel, taz
After Yukos. The far-reaching legacy of the Yukos affair. Economist

Mehr zu: Russland

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