Saturday, June 16, 2007


Online-Sprachkurs für Georgisch

Update now (20.06.2007):
I'm sorry that I have to inform you that the course planned for the fall semester has been cancelled. Information on our website is updated now.
Hopefully there will be more applicants to the spring semester, which starts January 18, 2008. Latest application date for the spring semester is October 15, 2007.
Please contact me in September again if you are interested.
Best regards
Manana Kock Kobaidze

Die Universität Malmö bietet zum September diesen Jahres einen kostenlosen Online-Sprachkurs für Georgisch an.


Georgian, 1-15 credits (15 ECTS credits)
General course information This IT-based Georgian language course will be offered in the fall semester 2007 at Malmoe University, at the School of International Migrations and Ethnical Relations.
The course is based exclusively on distance learning. All course material (lectures in English, Georgian texts with transliterations, exercises, Georgian-English dictionary, audio-files, Georgian fonts etc) will be available on the net. No obligatory meetings in Malmoe are included. The examination is also conducted on the net.
For more information about the course, click here Demo version of the course

Other Cource: Conflict and conflict resolution in the Caucasus
The course analyses a selection of current conflict cases in the Caucasus on the basis of existing conflict theories and models for conflict resolution. The Caucasus region is characterized by territorial complexity and high ethnic diversity. In the Post-Soviet period the region has witnessed a number of violent ethnopolitic conflicts with large refugee flows, increasing Islamic fundamentalism, escalating terrorism and other destabilizing effects. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War the Caucasus region has obtained a new strategic significance. Regional great powers again compete for political influence in the region and for control over its strategically important energy resources. New external actors, notably USA and the EU, seek to obtain influence in the region.
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with major theoretical approaches to violent intrastate conflicts and to critically apply these approahes to selected conflicts in the Caucasus region.
The course is offered exclusively online, the students following the course come both from nearby in the Öresund region, but also from other countries worldwide. This creates an international group of students that are engaged in different joint activities during the course, and thereby promoting international contacts and strengthening the international perspective.


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