Monday, June 18, 2007


Georgia News Digest 06-18-07
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1. Council Of Europe Envoy Discusses Lawsuit Against Russia
2. Commentary argues Russia's foreign policy designed for 'domestic' audience [excerpt]
3. Minister says EU supports Georgia's Russia policy, European aspirations
4. Russian Pundit Assesses Putin's Latest Foreign Policy Twist [excerpt]
5. Experts Say Georgian Wine May Return To Russian Market
6. Russia's Sergey Ivanov Affirms Territorial Integrity In Comments On Georgia
7. The Truth Known To A Few; Russia itself permits the foreign military to examine its defense potential
8. Public Opinion: Georgia Lonely Amongst CIS States
9. A Strategy for Reform [excerpt]
10. The U.S. is Georgia's Friend and Strong Partner
11. Saakashvili Delighted With Sarkozy
12. Meeting of Chairmen of Commercial-Industrial Chambers of CIS is Held in Tbilisi
13. Trade between CIS countries goes up by 25% to $147 bln in 2006
14. Ex-Soviet GUAM leaders to discuss Western course in Baku
15. Gulf Emirate Deputy Ruler on Business Trip to Georgia
16. Georgian leader touts economic ties with United Arab Emirates
17. Kazakhstan Builds Grain Terminal in Poti
18. Czech Republic Possibly Georgia's Top 2007 Investor
19. Breakaway republics form united stand on settling conflicts
20. Rebel regions ministers sign peace declaration in Moldova's breakaway republic
21. Moldovan, Georgian Rebel Regions Agree To Cooperate In Peacekeeping
22. Conflicts in Georgia require regular solution - Ivanov
23. South Ossetia’s Cloned Separatism
24. Tskhinvali rally demands resolute measures against Georgia
25. Georgia invites South Ossetia separatists to dialogue
26. Georgia responsible for instability in South Ossetia - peacekeepers' commander
27. Tbilisi-backed South Ossetian leader urges more attention from world community
28. South Ossetian separatists accuse Georgia of provoking tension in conflict zone
29. Georgian foreign minister proposes intensification of OSCE monitoring mission
30. Pro-Georgian South Ossetian leader urges to solve problems at negotiating table
31. South Ossetian Separatist Minister Threatens Georgia With "Harsh Measures"
32. Georgian, S Ossetian troops to back off from Khetagurovo
33. EU Hails Tbilisi’s ‘All-Inclusive’ Efforts in South Ossetia
34. Sanakoev Wants OSCE Response to S. Ossetia Developments
35. Tskhinvali Calls for JCC Session ‘to Defuse Tensions’
36. Tensions Reported over S. Ossetia Road
37. Villagers block road
38. Interim administration chief comments incident in conflict zone
39. Warlike equipment over the South Ossetian road
40. Threat of Mikheil Mindzaev
41. Attack on council member in Abkhazia intimidation of opposition - Georgian daily
42. Kosovo Is No Example For Abkhazia
43. Georgia’s Green Party opposes n-plant construction
44. Georgia mulls nuclear reactor construction with French help
45. It is Early to Speak about Construction of Nuclear Reactor in Georgia- Noghaideli
46. Georgia To Start Nuclear Cooperation With French Company
47. Georgia hopes for France's help in building its first n-plant
48. Georgia Sizes Up Nuclear Option
49. Experts see no peril of nuke reactor
50. Exuberant Patriotism or Dangerous Xenophobia
51. Debate over Repatriation of Meskhetians Renews
52. What's In It for the Meskhetian Turks?
53. Teachers of Public School #70 Ask President for Help
54. Gia Tsagareishvili: "Possibly Okruashvili will demand Merabishvili and Adeishvili's resignation!"
55. Goga Khaindrava.Interview
56. Lowering the Age of Criminal Responsibility Flouts International Standards
57. Freedom House Notes Progress in Georgia’s Democracy
58. MCC approves projects implemented in Georgia
59. In Tbilisi, It’s Boom Time For Building
60. Qur'an translated into Georgian language
61. Open for business
62. Tamar Kintsurashvili: "Erosi Kitsmarishvili and I had many interesting projects to implement."
63. Fearless and Female: Tbilisi's Woman Cabbie
64. Making the Most of Georgia's Splendor: Developing Ecotourism for Georgians and Foreigners
65. Svaneti Trekking Website Launched
66. Session in Blind's Union ended in clash

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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