Thursday, June 21, 2007


Russian Affairs In The Highlands Of Caucasus

link: Putin's list by Charles King, 20 Jun 2007 18:51, Times Online confirm the view that the highland Caucasus war was a place brimming with zealous ... the Caucasus mountains? The independent countries south of the Caucasus mountains – Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia – have fared better in recent years, but economic underdevelopment, armed conflict and authoritarian politics remain profound problems.

Today, popular images of the Caucasus are not much different from those that were informed by the Tsinandali raid. Events over the past two decades have reinforced them. Russia has fought two devastating wars in Chechnya, the first from 1994 to 1996, the second from 1999 until the present. Other parts of the Russian North Caucasus have regularly witnessed bombings, assassinations and spectacular episodes of hostage-taking and mass killing.

Tony Wood, CHECHNYA, The case for independence, 208pp. Verso. Paperback, £12.96, 9781844671144

Gordon M. Hahn, RUSSIA’S ISLAMIC THREAT, 349pp. Yalie University Press. £25.97, 80300120776

Timothy Phillips, BESLAN.The tragedy of school no. 1, 288pp. Granta. Paperback, £10.99, 9781862079274

Anna Politkovskaya, A RUSSIAN DIARY, 323pp. Harvill Secker. £17.99, 9781846551024

Charles King is the author of The Black Sea: A history, 2004. His new book, The Ghost of Freedom: A history of the Caucasus, will be published next year

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