Saturday, July 21, 2007


"Exploring Europe Together"

AEGEE-Baki, local branch of European Students' Forum in Baku, is loking for motivated young people desiring to volunteers in the project "Exploring Europe Together". The project will take place in 2 secondary schools (or can be universities as well) of Baku. The main tasks of the volunteer will be implementing non-formal activities in secondary schools (universities) promoting common European values such as human rights, democarcy, equal opportunities and respect to other cultures as well as youth participation through different non-formal youth projects.

Duration of the project is 12 montths starting from January.

The profile of volunteer candidates The volunteer involved in the activities of this project expected to have a personal motivation working with secondary school students and self-commitment to increase the awareness of youth in Azerbaijan on general European values. Furthermore, the ideal volunteer should be enthusiastic, creative, sociable and energetic. The volunteer should have a good level of English, while Russian language skills are also desirable
for this project. Taking into account that the project will include mainly the topics related to the European values such as human rights, democracy, equality, European citizenship, intercultural
learning and many others, the volunteer should be interested in learning about these topics and elaborating youth friendly presentations for the students of targeted secondary school (or
university students). Moreover, the volunteer expected to have the ability to work independently and act as a part of the team, as well as to cooperate with the team of local volunteers in order to increase the efficiency of the project activities. The willingness to learn local culture and ability of working in intercultural and culturally sensitive areas is highly desirable.

Furthermore, the volunteer should have an interest to develop some follow up activities of the project, to act as a multiplier by promoting the result of this project.

The themes of the project

* This project focuses on the promotion of the European values among secondary school (or university) students of Baku, Azerbaijan through different non-formal activities as well as increasing their understanding on the topics such as equality, human rights, democracy, European Citizenship;

* Involvement of the volunteer in the project activities aims to accelerate the intercultural learning among the children/youth;
* The project also addressed the issues of youth empowerment, youth capacity building and youth participation within the already existing European Clubs at the schools #1 and #20 in Yasamal district of Baku (or certain targeted universities) Objectives
* To increase understanding of European values among the students of secondary school (or university) through different non-formal activities designed by the group of international and local volunteers;
* To contribute in the efficient organization of the leisure time of youth and children by involving them in different activities after the formal classes;
* To contribute to the youth development in secondary schools (or universities) by intercultural learning methodologies and non-formal education tools;
* To increase capacity of the existing European Clubs functioning at secondary schools #1 and #20 in Yasamal district of Baku (or targeted universities) by organizing different activities on youth participation and empowerment;
* With participation of the European volunteer to empower young people to take own actions and become the leaders of active citizenship initiatives in their communities who can contribute to developing more equal opportunities for all
* To create an efficient learning space for international as well as group of local volunteers to work with children and youth in intercultural context contributing their personal self development

If you are interested in sending volunteer for this placement please

Zaur Allahverdizade
Projects Coordinator AEGEE-Baku

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