Saturday, July 21, 2007



for Justice and Democracy
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For immediate release
July 12, 2007
Contact: Vartenie ECHO
Tel: +322 732 70 26


Conferees to Develop New Armenian Expectations of an Evolving Europe

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - The growth of the Armenian community as a powerful voicein the civic life of Europe will mark a major milestone with the convening,this October, of the second Convention of European Armenians.
The pan European convention, to be held between October 15 and 16th in thehalls of the European Parliament, is being organized by the EuropeanArmenian Federation. During two days of deliberations,
The two-day Convention, which comes on the 20th anniversary of the EuropeanUnion's landmark resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide, will provideEuropean citizens of Armenian heritage with the opportunity to share views,discuss priorities, and build consensus on the current issues and futurechallenges impacting Armenia and Armenians in a rapidly changing Europe.
Among the key issues to be addressed, both among the conferees and toEuropean leaders, include the EU's partial freezing of negotiations with anincreasingly intransigent Turkey, and the evolution of the Union's relationswith Armenia and the entire South Caucasus region.

The Convention will be organized around three main sessions:

* Twenty years of progress since the recognition of the Armenian genocideby the European Parliament
* Europe's role in peace and security in the South Caucasus region
* Ongoing Armenian Genocide recognition efforts and the struggle to counter Genocide denial

The European Armenian Federation will soon send European Armenianassociations, groups and organizations a preliminary document outlining thepriority issues facing the European Armenian community.
"We invite all the members of our European Armenian communities and all themany diverse European Armenian associations to participate in thepreparations for the Second Convention of the European Armenians, to attendand actively take part in its deliberations, and to lend their uniquecontributions to developing a common message that we can deliver to Europeancivic society and leadership," said Hilda Tchoboian, the chairperson of theEuropean Armenian Federation.The European Armenian Federation will send hundreds of invitations to theConvention and encourages all those who wish to attend the Convention tobegin registering now by email or via the website.
Associations that may be not known to the Federation and that thereforemight not otherwise receive an invitation are requested to get in touch withthe Federation directly. The European Armenian Federation calls on allinterested parties to widely broadcast this event as a important opportunityto raise awareness about issues of European Armenian concern, among Europeanpolicy-makers, including members of the European Parliament and officers ofthe European Commission.

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