Sunday, July 15, 2007


Security from Europe through Turkey to South Caucasus
10-11 May 2007, Istanbul,Turkey

Presentation and Application form
Security from Europe through Turkey to South Caucasus

The Strategic Research Centre of Galatasay University and International Association of Young Diplomats Businessmen Scientists and Lawyers in collaboration with NATO, TİKA, and Tanıtım Fonu are going to organize an international conference on “Security from Europe through Turkey to South Caucasus” within the perspective of world security.
The Strategic Research Centre of Galatasay University and International Association of Young Diplomats Businessmen Scientists and Lawyers are planning to dedicate this international conference to provide opportunity for students, academicians politicians, diplomats, journalists, members of civil societies to discuss the main components of the agenda and create the conditions for an exchange of experience and ideas on this issue. This conference aims to be a humble contribution to the exchange of views from the European Union through Turkey to South Caucasus on potential and existing threats to their security. After a general introduction about the new threats for international security, three workshops will be held, dealing with the security issues shared by the European Union, Turkey, and South Caucasus, a focusing on bilateral cooperation.
The aspirations of EU to emerge as a new actor on international security face a major challenge with its latest enlargement. This economic giant has no option to remain silent on the security threats beyond its borders. Turkey on its side is obliged to take into consideration the security strategies of EU and persisting security matters in the South Caucasus while elaborating a security strategy of its own. Likewise, South Caucasian states recognize the potential of EU and Turkey to shape the future of the region. The purpose of the conference is, by putting emphasis on the interactions between these three areas, to provide new keys for the comprehension of regional security issues.
From this point it is very important to organize this kind of international event bringing together participants from different cultural backgrounds in order to overcome misunderstandings dominating the relations in the region. Participants to the simulations will also design resolutions thad will be presented during the workshops.

Simulation and workshpos of the International conference on Security from Europe through Turkey to South Caucasus:
The main purpose of the conference is to overcome misunderstandings dominating the situation in the region through numerous simulations and worksops that will provide opportunities to share and exchange different view points.

In order to develop new perspectives on the actions of actors in world politics, a simulation will be hold on May 10th, allowing participants to role play states, international organizations, multinational firms, transnational press organizations and other NGOs. Each state (plus one autonomous region), international organization and NGO will seek either to maximize its gains, will consent to a minimum or will reach a compromise with other actors for optimum benefits. Role playing students will thus be able to view complex security issues through eyes of prime ministers, foreign ministers, representatives of international organizations and CEOs and better grasp constraints, opportunities, and obligations influencing actions of decision makers.


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