Friday, August 10, 2007


Selected Literatures and Authors Page - Georgian Literature
Georgian Literature and Authors (Includes Ajarian Literature)

Index by the Authors

General Georgian Literature Sites
Georgian Literature. From The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001.
A Brief History of Georgian Literature. By Piero Scaruffi. [Harry Kriz's Resources are actually Lane Rasmussen's resources].
Le Tresor National Georgien. By Alexandre Gamkrelidze.
A Small History of A Georgian Book.
Georgian Manuscripts. By Helen Machavariani.
Fundamentals of an Electronic Documentation of Caucasian Languages and Cultures.
Georgian Literature in European Scholarship. By Prof. Elguja Khintibidze.
Georgische literatuur, schrijvers en dichters.
The Universal in Georgian Culture.
The list of books, authors or works collection to be presented on the CD “Anthology of Georgian classical literature” by UNESCO Project.
Georgian Manuscripts from the 5th Century.
0 Years of Soviet Georgia - The Fall of Menshevik Georgia. By George Tarkhan-Mouravi. ["Find" horns; and other literary names and terms].

Georgian Literature by Genre

Georgian Literature and Neighboring Literatures

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