Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Georgia News Digest 08-15-07
A service of the
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
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1. Baltic states close ranks with Georgia, join US to investigate missile incident
2. A Wayward Missile: The U.N. should get the whole story on what happened in Georgia.
3. Pointed words exchanged as international probe commences
4. Russian TV and radio highlights 6-12 August 2007
5. Time to stop Russia’s guided missile diplomacy
6. Georgia welcomes international probe into missile incident
7. Saakashvili decides against going to war with Russia
8. video: ‘No Pure Military Solutions for Conflicts’ - Saakashvili Says
9. Autonomous region must not be named "South Ossetia," says legal expert
10. Russian foreign minister says North and South Ossetians should "live together"
11. Labor Party leader accuses president of having wrong goals
12. "Labour Party" members accused Georgian President in supporting Kosovo’s independence
13. Party Azerbaijan gives Georgia initial 40 mln usd loan to begin planned railway
14. Tbilisi Gas Company in Talks with Iran over Supplies
15. Probably Georgia will be provided with gas from Iran in winter
16. KhazTransGas is satisfied with its performance
17. video documentary: Caucasian change: Abkhazia
18. video: Georgia & Abkhazia remember conflict victims
19. Former Georgian president says war in Abkhazia could have been averted
20. Eduard Shevardnadze accuses Tengiz Kitovani of provoking war in Abkhazia
21. Abkhaz leader delivers speech marking anniversary of start of war with Georgia
22. Separatist leader rules out union with Georgia
23. Tbilisi Still Mulls Use of Force’ – Bagapsh Says
24. Baghapsh: Abkhazs, Georgian will never live together
25. Questions and hopes remain 15 years after a tragic war
26. Georgian-backed Abkhaz authorities mark 15th anniversary of start of conflict
27. State Offers to Pay Opposition TV's Lease
28. Caucasia TV Company to be allocated money from presidential fund
29. Georgian government offers to cover rent payments for evicted TV station
30. "Government should cooperate with property owners according to market principle"
31. 'Exceptions the rule' in new property legalization law, opposition says
32. State sells historic land from former nobility's estate
33. Dozen Injured in Juvenile Prison
34. Disturbance in Avchala Correctional Colony settled
35. Inmates smash up jail in Georgia
36. 85 prisoners transferred to 2nd Prison in Rustavi
37. Tina Khidasheli to bring a charge to General Prosecutor's Office
38. Justice Ministry releases list of injured inmates
39. Report from a Strange Planet
40. Steps and Stumbles
41. Ex-president's widow still on hunger strike
42. Engurhesi financial problems no accident, journalists allege
43. Ms. Georgia 2007 deprived of title
44. New Miss Georgia 2007 to be chosen today

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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