Monday, August 20, 2007


Georgia News Digest 08-20-07
A service of the
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
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1. Again, geopolitics knock at Georgia’s door
2. Another Europe
3. OSCE Appoints Envoy To Probe Georgia Missile
4. New group of foreign experts to investigate missile attack
5. U.S. Embassy: Jet crossed border from Russia
6. Russian, French, German diplomats discuss missile incident
7. British, French, Estonian, Polish experts probe into missile incident
8. Tensions mount between Georgia and Russia
9. Moscow slams U.S. over alleged Russian air raid on Georgia
10. Russian missile intended for American "patriot" lands near Georgian radar station
11. Georgian official: Russia fabricates evidence
12. Georgia upbeat by comprehensive international response to air strike
13. Delegation dismisses plane claim
14. Russia: Georgia has provided no convincing proof of Russian aircraft violation
15. Russia's top Air Force officer denies planes flew over Georgia
16. A Russian missile, international group confirms
17. Russia says evidence refutes Tbilisi’s missile accusations
18. Yuri Popov: Demand of official Tbilisi is unrestrained influence against Russia
19. Russian experts say missile could have exploded elsewhere
20. Russian envoy hints at "forces" in Georgia able to stage missile incident
21. Russian experts say Georgia’s evidence on missile incident "incomplete"
22. Russian experts say evidence in Georgia incident fabricated
23. It "got lost"
24. Russians hint that incidents will keep occurring
25. Russian inspectors see missile crash site in Georgia.
26. Russian military official doubts missile blast near Tsitelubani
27. Russia agrees to probe into Aug 6 incident to stop accusations
28. Georgia not ready to cooperate in missile incident probe – lawmaker
29. Foreign probe into rocket incident in Georgia biased-Russian envoy
30. Russia to continue to discuss Aug 6 incident with Georgia
31. Abkhazia and South Ossetia: An urgent need for new international mechanisms of conflict resolution
32. Sokhumi to ban meat import from Georgia
33. Baghapsh asks for assistance against hog flu
34. Georgia complains of Russia arming separatists in Abkhazia
35. Press summary for Georgia’s breakaway region of Abkhazia 07-20 August
36. Abkhazia-murder
37. South Ossetians caught between two "presidents": Fear and confusion among South Ossetians as they are courted by new pro-Georgian leader
38. Kokoiti should have met Saakashvili three years ago
39. Separatist leader accuses US of fuelling hostility, supplying arms to Georgia
40. ‘Kokoity Goodbye’ campaign visits conflict zone
41. Presentation of music and video to 'Kokoiti Fandarast' movement
42. Georgian daily reports on possible change in separatist government
43. Georgia tries diplomatic approach to lure back Ossetians
44. All the Ossetians living together? Russia's lip service to cultural unity more danger for Georgia
45. U.S. proposal on Roki tunnel does not promote settlement – Tskhinvali
46. Moscow rejects U.S. idea of intl monitoring of Ossetia tunnel
47. Adjara – South Ossetia cooperation conference
48. Government tries to reign in seaside renters
49. Seaside territory in Adjara priority target of government, New Rights say
50. The end of Batumi Mayor Irakli Tavartkiladze
51. Labor Party labels President Mikheil Saakashvili as 'evil writer of epoch'
52. Georgian analyst interviewed on 2008 elections, predicts pressure on media
53. Georgian opposition has good chance of winning next parliamentary vote
54. The government has been given a wonderful opportunity
55. No alternative to Saakashvili: Parliament to be reduced by 85 MPs
56. Georgia tests new radar station
57. Georgia to commission new civil aviation radar
58. KazTransGaz to invest USD 100 million in Tbilisi gas distribution system
59. Georgia hydro plant plans
60. Georgian government forms commission to study nuclear power plant project
61. Megrelia’s answer to energy crisis
62. Under the Georgian sun: Solar energy
63. Georgia receives first IBA loan for Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway
64. Kazakh investor buys $1.7 ml hotel in Georgia
65. Turkey up, wine down in year after Russian trade embargo
66. No drop in sight for either inflation or the lari
67. Government moving to revitalize farming industry
68. A mighty test for the pen as the Union of Writers faces eviction
69. Refugees evicted from Telavi hotel say they have no place to go
70. There was no need to call in police special forces
71. At home or at children's house?
72. Akhaltsikhe population cannot pay twenty one lari for rabies injection
73. Meskhetian Turks closer to return: New draft law guarantees return of deported people to Georgia but promises no help with resettlement
74. Barred away
75. Meeting of jury to Miss Georgia 2007 postponed
76. Quarantine lifted on pork in Kakheti
77. PM arrives in Guria region
78. About fifty people injured after bridge collapses in Georgia
79. Activist says Georgian authorities seek to "intimidate" ethnic Armenians
80. PR school certifies its first graduates: New program designed to fill human resource gap
81. Spy tales: Part 1
82. Snapshots of my Georgian life: Part I

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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