Wednesday, November 07, 2007

PHOTOGRAPHY: "When the President Fights with His Own People (7. November)"

Text & Photos on November 7, 2007 by Tina from Georgia

The mass demonstrations held by many thousands of protestors and organized by the Opposition in front of the House of Parliament were broken up by the government of Georgia by means of the gas of indefinite origin, stream of water and bludgeons. Hundreds of people are arrested, beaten and hospitalized indifferently gender and age. The parliament prolonged its legitimacy by amending the constitution and does not compromise with people demanding the timely elections. The tense situation in Georgia could not be alleviated even by the Patriarch of Georgia. The leaders of the oppositional parties were arrested. Some of them are beaten and hospitalized. The adjacent schools, church and Art Gallery were also gassed by the tear gas where people sheltered from undeserved blood punishment.

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