Monday, November 12, 2007

POLITIC: Emergency brings US envoy to Tbilisi

“We know better what is good for Georgia”

TBILISI A senior US diplomat arrived in Georgia yesterday to push for President Mikheil Saakashvili to lift a state of emergency in place since violent clashes in the streets of Tbilisi four days ago. via The Peninsula

Full story: The Peninsula

A great comment gave John from scotland:
I was in tbilisi for football match we lost 2.0. the people have nothing but thay gave us everything. its the people who make the country not the country who makes the people. leaders should know that attacking the people will not work thay have a right to voice there opinuon. I hope that both sides can come to some agreement which is in the best interest of the people and of the country. violance never solves anything it makes it worse,without the support of the people the country will decline into disspare and fear and lack of trust.

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