Sunday, December 16, 2007

NEWS: Georgia News Digest 12-13-07

A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies

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1. Government to secure conditions for free and fair presidential elections on January 5, 2008
2. Nino Burjanadze establishes inter-agency task force on free and fair elections
3. Statements of presidential candidates and representatives questioning the legitimacy of January 5 elections 4. People expect fraudulent elections in Kaspi
5. Human Rights Center: Representatives of opposition are intimidated in Akhaltsikhe
6. Georgian Soldiers in Iraq, Kosovo Denied Vote
7. Saakashvili protests against decision to ban opening of constituencies in Iraq
8. Saakashvili weighs into 'soldiers voting rights' debate
9. Decision of CEC regarding constituencies in Iraq and Kosovo is admissible for opposition
10. Chairman of CEC met members of Council Of Ethnic Minorities at Ombudsman’s Office
11. United National Movement opposes to CEC
12. Tarkhnishvili accuses election administration of making thoughtless decision
13. Court rejects Margiani's complaint
14. Mzia Gadelia, leader of the Conservative Party in Senaki, accuses the government of persecution and blackmail
15. Gachechiladze plans large-scale amnesty in Georgia in case of becoming president
16. Gachechiladze met with people in Avlabari
17. Levan Gachechiladze met Dieter Boden
18. Shop windows of the leader from opposition party were smashed
19. "Labourists" opened election headquarters in Berlin, Munich, Athens and Salonika
20. Natelashvili met Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine
21. Labor Party calls upon immigrants to vote in 5/01 elections
22. Natelashvili pledges free gas, electricity for three years
23. What did Usupashvili discuss with Patarkatsishvili? Campaign started after they lost hope to get hold of Imedi
24. Gamkrelidze met voters in Rustavi
25. Saakashvili promises to settle Georgian-Ossetian conflict in several months
26. Sandra Roelofs gave an interview to a foreign TV channel
27. Saakashvili: Nation is my chief
28. Misha's posters emerge in Gali
29. 'Germany will provide political asylum to Okruashvili' ex-official's attorney claims
30. Germany to decide on extradition of Georgian opposition leader
31. PM promotes initiative of former president
32. Lado Gurgenidze held meeting with businessmen
33. Giorgi Targamadze – Authorities keep on exerting pressure upon Imedi TV staff
34. Imedi resumes broadcasting
35. Imedi TV returns, but will Patarkatsishvili?
36. video: Georgian banned TV station back - to tune in presidential campaign?
37. Ombudsman: Court Ruling against Imedi Illegal
38. GNCC first issued a 10-year broadcast license to radio Hereti and shortly afterwards imposed a fine
39. Private radio gets licence
40. National Guard commander removed ahead of election
41. Public Defender starts preliminary investigation into use of rubber bullets
42. Batumi Civil Court sends appeals late
43. A great fuss in the Gori District Court
44. Political revenge
45. Young Lawyers held a round table on the deprivation of private property
46. Amnesty of "dead articles"
47. Five library buildings in Tbilisi to be renovated soon
48. video: Georgia's unemployed silent about predicament
49. Expenses of the state budget of Georgia totaled gel 4 520 million during January-November 2007
50. Javakhk Armenian representatives meet with US, German diplomats
51. Armenian deputy foreign minister: Relations between Georgia and Armenia are quite normal
52. 30th session of PABSEC finished its work in Tbilisi
53. Brzezinski: Shield doesn't exist, Iranian missiles don't exist, Europeans don't want US protection [excerpt]
54. Georgia blames Russian spies for inciting political dissent
55. Replacing Russia’s president means little for Georgian-Russian relations
56. Georgia's territorial problem suits the West
57. Russia fosters nearby "frozen conflicts"
58. Secretary-General strongly urges both sides to Georgian-Abkhaz conflict to refrain from any acts of violence
59. Tbilisi demands inclusion of violations in Abkhazia in report Of UN Secretary General

60. Gurgenidze denies plans of provocation against breakaway Abkhazia

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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